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How Do I Replace The Blocks Like This


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So Im Trying To Make It When You Break A Block You Cant Place A Block Where That Block Was Broken And After 10 Seconds The Block You Broke Comes Back
Also If You Place A Block When You Break It The Block Wont Reappear After 10 Seconds Like The First Thing I Was Talking About
Here's The Code

on break:
  cancel drops
  delete drops
  if gamemode of player is survival:
    if world of player is "BR":
      if location of event-block is not {PlacedBlock::*}:
        add location of event-block to {BrokenBlock::*}
        set {_Block} to type of event-block
        wait 10 seconds
        remove location of event-block from {BrokenBlock::*}
        set event-block to {_Block}

on place:
  if gamemode of player is survival:
    if world of player is "BR":
      if y-coordinate of event-block >= 178:
        cancel event
      if location of event-block is {BrokenBlock::*}:
        cancel event
      if y-coordinate of event-block < 178:
        if location of event-block is not {BrokenBlock::*}:
          add location of event-block to {PlacedBlock::*}
          wait 10 seconds
          remove location of event-block from {PlacedBlock::*}
          set event-block to air

Please Help!


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