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Help with countdown/time event

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I have this code and I'm trying to make it so I have a scoreboard that counts down to 0 and then it will clear the map, reset itself and so on. But I have 0 errors and I am completely stuck since it doesn't show up on my scoreboard at all

on command:
	if command is "mapclear":
		set {mapcleared} to now

every 1 seconds:
	loop all players:
		set {_difference} to difference between {mapcleared} and now
		set {_remaining-time} to difference between {_difference} and 2 hours
		wipe loop-player's sidebar
		set name of sidebar of loop-player to ""
		set score " &8&l» &7Mapclears in&f: %{_remaining-time}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 84


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