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Minehut Live Console is Blank!


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So, I was playing on my Minehut server, and I de-opped myself to test a Plugin that required permission, and it worked! So then I went to re-op myself in the console! Seems easy, right?


Minehut makes it very hard to do this, let me explain.

Anyways, in their Discord Server, they have an #updates channel, where they put Updates! So I checked there, because when trying to re-op myself, the Server Dashboard was in maintenance mode like always.

So upon checking the Discord, there was an announcement that the Server Dashboard would be in maintenance mode for up to the next hour! So this means I can't op myself with the console for the next hour! Great.

After about an hour and 20 minutes, they announce that the Server Dashboard is no longer in maintenance mode, and should be online soon. Well, the Server Dashboard came back online about 10 minutes after the announcement. Not good, but not bad either.

So I head to the Live Console, where I can op myself! And the Live Console is... Blank? Yeah, it's blank. Hmm, that's odd. Normally there's a lot of text in it.

Well, I don't really care. I'm just going to go where it says "Enter Command" and type "op Rome_Hanna".

Do you want to know what happens when I type that in?

Absolutely Nothing.

Nice going Minehut! Not only have you had me wait an hour and 30 minutes, but you've also broken my Server Console, and I'm stuck in Survival Mode on my own server! How cool is that?

Not cool at all.

And want to know something funny? I tried using the Live Console on my other Server, and it worked! So clearly, they screwed something up with this server specifically. If anyone wants to know what the Server IP is, it's SuperSurvive.minehut.gg

But you might as well not join because I can't even have op on MY OWN SERVER!


Fix this, Now.

Minehut Live Console Blank.png

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27 minutes ago, Romeeee said:

So, I was playing on my Minehut server, and I de-opped myself to test a Plugin that required permission, and it worked! So then I went to re-op myself in the console! Seems easy, right?


Minehut makes it very hard to do this, let me explain.

Anyways, in their Discord Server, they have an #updates channel, where they put Updates! So I checked there, because when trying to re-op myself, the Server Dashboard was in maintenance mode like always.

So upon checking the Discord, there was an announcement that the Server Dashboard would be in maintenance mode for up to the next hour! So this means I can't op myself with the console for the next hour! Great.

After about an hour and 20 minutes, they announce that the Server Dashboard is no longer in maintenance mode, and should be online soon. Well, the Server Dashboard came back online about 10 minutes after the announcement. Not good, but not bad either.

So I head to the Live Console, where I can op myself! And the Live Console is... Blank? Yeah, it's blank. Hmm, that's odd. Normally there's a lot of text in it.

Well, I don't really care. I'm just going to go where it says "Enter Command" and type "op Rome_Hanna".

Do you want to know what happens when I type that in?

Absolutely Nothing.

Nice going Minehut! Not only have you had me wait an hour and 30 minutes, but you've also broken my Server Console, and I'm stuck in Survival Mode on my own server! How cool is that?

Not cool at all.

And want to know something funny? I tried using the Live Console on my other Server, and it worked! So clearly, they screwed something up with this server specifically. If anyone wants to know what the Server IP is, it's SuperSurvive.minehut.gg

But you might as well not join because I can't even have op on MY OWN SERVER!


Fix this, Now.

Minehut Live Console Blank.png

skill issue




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