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On 6/14/2022 at 10:42 AM, Zthll said:

Hey im kinda new to scripts can someone one help me make a tpa function and /spawn function please?


	AcceptTime: 30 seconds
	Spawn: location(0, 0, 0, world("world"))

command /tpa <offline player>:
		if {TPA::%player%} is set:
			send "&cYou have an active TPA request already!" to player
			set {TPA::%player%} to "%arg-1%"
			send "&eYou sent a tpa request to &6%arg-1%&e!" to player
			send "&6%player% &ehas asked to teleport to you. Type &6/TPAccept &eto accept or &6/TPDeny &eto deny." to arg-1
			wait {@AcceptTime}
			send "&cTPA request expired." to player

command /tpaccept <offline player>:
		if {TPA::%arg-1%} is not "%player%":
			send "&4%arg-1% &chas not sent you a teleport request!" to player
			teleport arg-1 to player
			clear {TPA::%arg-1%}
			send "&eAccepted &6%arg-1%&e's teleport request." to player
			send "&6%player% &eaccepted your teleport request." to arg-1

command /tpdeny <offline player>:
		if {TPA::%arg-1%} is not "%player%":
			send "&4%arg-1% &chas not sent you a teleport request!" to player
			clear {TPA::%arg-1%}
			send "&eDenied &6%arg-1%&e's teleport request." to player
			send "&4%player% &cdenied your teleport request." to arg-1

on disconnect:
	clear {TPA::%player%}

command /spawn:
		teleport player to {@Spawn}


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