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CombatLog - Fully Customisable

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#  ,-----.                 ,--.             ,--.  ,--.                  
# '  .--./ ,---. ,--,--,--.|  |-.  ,--,--.,-'  '-.|  |    ,---.  ,---.  
# |  |    | .-. ||        || .-. '' ,-.  |'-.  .-'|  |   | .-. || .-. | 
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#  `-----' `---' `--`--`--' `---'  `--`--'  `--'  `-----' `---' .`-  /  
#                                             by kegnh#1234     `---'   

# #########################
# #     Plugin Config     #
# #########################
    cooldown: 5 seconds # how long the player will be in combat.

    message-type: message # where the message will be sent (message, action bar, title)
    start-message: "&cCOMBAT &8| &fYou are in combat, if you log out you will be killed." # the message sent to the player when they enter combat.
    end-message: "&cCOMBAT &8| &fYou are no longer in combat, you can now logout safely." # the message sent to the player when they leave combat.

    disable-commands: true # when 'true' disables all commands while in combat.
    disable-chat: false # when 'true' players will not be able to speak in chat while in combat.
    disable-pickup: false # when 'true' players will not be able to pickup items while in combat.
    disable-drop: false # when 'true' players will not be able to drop items while in combat.

    command-error: "&cCOMBAT &8| &fYou cannot use commands in combat." # the message sent to the player when they try to use a command while in combat.
    chat-error: "&cCOMBAT &8| &fYou cannot chat in combat." # the message sent to the player when they try to chat while in combat.
    pickup-error: "&cCOMBAT &8| &fYou cannot pickup items while in combat." # the message sent to the player when they try to pickup an item while in combat.
    drop-error: "&cCOMBAT &8| &fYou cannot drop items while in combat." # the message sent to the player when they try to drop an item while in combat.

    bypass-enabled: false # when 'true' players with the below permission wont be put in combat log.
    bypass-permission: combatlog.bypass

#  __  
# |  | 
# |  | 
#  __  
# |__| 

on damage:
    victim is a player
    attacker is a player
    if {@bypass-enabled} is true:
        if victim has permission "{@bypass-permission}":
    set metadata tag "combatLog" of victim to now
    send {@message-type} {@start-message} to victim
    wait {@cooldown}
    difference between now and (metadata tag "combatLog" of victim) >= {@cooldown}
    send {@message-type} {@end-message} to victim

on command:
    metadata tag "combatLog" of player is set
    difference between now and metadata tag "combatLog" of player < {@cooldown}
    {@disable-commands} is true
    cancel event
    send {@command-error} to player

on chat:
    metadata tag "combatLog" of player is set
    difference between now and metadata tag "combatLog" of player < {@cooldown}
    {@disable-chat} is true
    cancel event
    send {@chat-error} to player

on drop:
    metadata tag "combatLog" of player is set
    difference between now and metadata tag "combatLog" of player < {@cooldown}
    {@disable-drop} is true
    cancel event
    send {@drop-error} to player

on pickup:
    metadata tag "combatLog" of player is set
    difference between now and metadata tag "combatLog" of player < {@cooldown}
    {@disable-pickup} is true
    cancel event
    send {@pickup-error} to player

on quit:
    metadata tag "combatLog" of player is set
    difference between now and metadata tag "combatLog" of player < {@cooldown}
    kill player

If you have any issues dm me: kegnh#1234

If you like it leave a like!

Edited by itskegnh
  • Like 2

Minecraft Ranks
[DEFAULT] - 9th October 2020
[PRO] - 21st November 2020
[PATRON] - 27th October 2021

Python - 8 Years
C/C++ - 5 Years
Skript - 4 Years
Javascript - 3 Year
Java - 1 Year

Discord - kegnh#1234

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