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Watch out for this scammer...


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There is currently a scammer going around known as Uhimkia, who managed to scam a friend of mine out of 1500 credits for vip, and destroyed his server for absolutely no reason. I made this post just to make sure everyone is aware of what he is doing, and to hopefully prevent anyone from being scammed in the future by this player. He also has a server known as Lowtierbox, and happens to be a pretty abusive owner aswell. He will deny all of this just to clarify, but for your own safety, believe absolutely nothing he says.

Thank you for your time.


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On 2/22/2022 at 8:17 AM, Jofhjkldasfa said:

There is currently a scammer going around known as Uhimkia, who managed to scam a friend of mine out of 1500 credits for vip, and destroyed his server for absolutely no reason. I made this post just to make sure everyone is aware of what he is doing, and to hopefully prevent anyone from being scammed in the future by this player. He also has a server known as Lowtierbox, and happens to be a pretty abusive owner aswell. He will deny all of this just to clarify, but for your own safety, believe absolutely nothing he says.

Thank you for your time.


could you tell us how he was doing it instead of just saying he was a scammer? Because that could be alot more helpful of avoiding this kind of scam instead of potentially "throwing someone under the bus". So far you just left us a screenshot saying you have 250 credits, but that doesnt mean anything.




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On 2/22/2022 at 5:17 PM, Jofhjkldasfa said:

There is currently a scammer going around known as Uhimkia, who managed to scam a friend of mine out of 1500 credits for vip, and destroyed his server for absolutely no reason. I made this post just to make sure everyone is aware of what he is doing, and to hopefully prevent anyone from being scammed in the future by this player. He also has a server known as Lowtierbox, and happens to be a pretty abusive owner aswell. He will deny all of this just to clarify, but for your own safety, believe absolutely nothing he says.

Thank you for your time.


First of all, did you give him console access? Not a good idea to do that on Minehut unless you really trust them.

I used to play Minehut I guess?
Yeah, I still watch the forums for some reason. (15/5/2023)
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For any of you that might be wondering, here's alittle more backstory:

A friend of mine had met him about a month before hand, and they had become decent friends, atleast thats what he thought Ig. Later on, my friend had started letting him help with his server, and not long after he asked for console, he eventually gave in believing that he could trust him (mainly gave him console for help with skripts, plugins, etc). Right after he was given console, he destroyed the server and bought VIP with my friends credits. We have already contacted minehut support, and his credits were refunded. I just want to make sure the rest of the minehut community is aware of what happened, and can hopefully prevent anymore of his scams in the future.

This is all the information I have regarding this.

Thank you for your time.

Edited by Jofhjkldasfa
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1 hour ago, Jofhjkldasfa said:

Right after he was given console, he destroyed the server and bought VIP with my friends credits.

Gotta be honest, that's kind of your friend's fault. Its not a good idea to give console to people. Even if they're "friends".

I used to play Minehut I guess?
Yeah, I still watch the forums for some reason. (15/5/2023)
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