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Looking for a Report Skript (with gui)


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Hi, so I'm looking for a Skript that will work like this:


/report <player/offline player> <reason1> <reason2> 

Sends message to player who reported the other player "Your report against <player> for <reason> has been submitted to staff."

Sends message to staff "<player> reported <player> for <reason>. Please check /reports!

It'll save the report to a GUI, that shows

<player> reported <player> for <reason>

you can click on the report to show more options like

respond to player (sends a message to the player if they are online or the next time they join notifying them "Your report of <player> has been seen by staff."

Delete Report (self explanatory)

I made a GUI that doesn't work, but what it could look like and how it could work.


Also sorry that the videos have me bobbing up and down, I was in an AFK pool.


Note: If you do make this, a punishment skript isn't necessary, just something that opens /punish [player] when you click on the item. (already have a skript for it lol)


Video 1: Main GUI


Video 2: If you click on a report/report information





Hello. I'm Generic. My IGN is popularkid. I know its silly. 


Pronouns: He/Him


Discord: Generic Username#2861


Joined Minehut  ◄«◊»►  10/13/2019 ◄«◊»►


Default◅ | 10/13/2019 - Current Time



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2 hours ago, GenericUsername said:

@Yellow_Nubwhat? In my email I got

Hi GenericUsername,
Yellow_Nub has posted a comment on a topic, Looking for a Report Skript (with gui)

Posted in Looking for a Report Skript (with gui)

"So this is untested and i could not make gui but i really wanted to help i hope you enjoy 😄sdasdasd.txtsdasdasd.txtsdasdasd.txt ..."


imagine copy/paste




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