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A Challenge for Skripters/Free Skripting Playground


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The Challenge


There exists a server where you can run skripts in-game; it's called Codearchy (Rule by the Coders). All you need is a book and quill, and you can write a skript inside of it. Shift and left click to run it.


My challenge for you is to see if you can gain extra privileges on this server (such as /op, ability to spawn in items, ban someone, or run server commands). I wrote a filter to block stuff like spawning in withers or running server commands, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily perfect. The challenge: Can you backdoor my server using book and quills, and become the next Popbob? If so, post your results here! First to do it gets a permanent prefix in chat (with colors of your choice).


Side note: The skripts are ran from the "on right click" event, so you just write stuff like "strike lightning at the player's target block" with no "on x:" event before it.

Books can be encrypted using the /blessing [Blessing Name] command. I'm pretty sure there's also a command to remove blessings you've given to a player, although you'll have to see about that part. The point of /blessing is to allow you to give cool abilities to players (or troll prank books) without them getting to see your code.

Also, the server comes with two functions added to Skript: exempt(player) and unexempt(player). These disable/enable a player's anticheat.


The Playground


This server is also fine for testing out your own skripts although there are several limitations (no teleports, spawning in items, banning, etc). I'm curious to see what you'll make with Skript on here! Feel free to post your fun Skript creations down below, as long as they are usable on the server, or are a screenshot of what you did on there.

Note to mods: This isn't a serious server, more of a playground for skripters. I just felt like posting a fun challenge for skripters, this server hasn't been active for months and I read the rules in advance (it seems like they allow you to post here as long as it's strongly skript related and isn't an attempt to get a playerbase or hire staff). If I'm in error to post this in here, please move it to Server Advertisements if possible.

Edited by Deflecto
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2 hours ago, Deflecto said:

The Challenge


There exists a server where you can run skripts in-game; it's called Codearchy (Rule by the Coders). All you need is a book and quill, and you can write a skript inside of it. Shift and left click to run it.


My challenge for you is to see if you can gain extra privileges on this server (such as /op, ability to spawn in items, ban someone, or run server commands). I wrote a filter to block stuff like spawning in withers or running server commands, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily perfect. The challenge: Can you backdoor my server using book and quills, and become the next Popbob? If so, post your results here! First to do it gets a permanent prefix in chat (with colors of your choice).


Side note: The skripts are ran from the "on right click" event, so you just write stuff like "strike lightning at the player's target block" with no "on x:" event before it.

Books can be encrypted using the /blessing [Blessing Name] command. I'm pretty sure there's also a command to remove blessings you've given to a player, although you'll have to see about that part. The point of /blessing is to allow you to give cool abilities to players (or troll prank books) without them getting to see your code.

Also, the server comes with two functions added to Skript: exempt(player) and unexempt(player). These disable/enable a player's anticheat.


The Playground


This server is also fine for testing out your own skripts although there are several limitations (no teleports, spawning in items, banning, etc). I'm curious to see what you'll make with Skript on here! Feel free to post your fun Skript creations down below, as long as they are usable on the server, or are a screenshot of what you did on there.

Note to mods: This isn't a serious server, more of a playground for skripters. I just felt like posting a fun challenge for skripters, this server hasn't been active for months and I read the rules in advance (it seems like they allow you to post here as long as it's strongly skript related and isn't an attempt to get a playerbase or hire staff). If I'm in error to post this in here, please move it to Server Advertisements if possible.

i need proof that you are the owner of this server before i attempt this, dont wanna break someone elses server




Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

OG [VIP] 12/26/20 - 10/27/2021
OG [PRO] 12/27/21 - 11/18/2022
OG [LEGEND] 11/18/2022 - 3/14/2023
[DEFAULT] 3/14/2023 - 5/8/2024

[MOD] 5/8/2024 - Present


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This seems fun! I am quite nifty when it comes to Skript, so challenge accepted!

— OMBS —

Hello. I am ombs, a chill server developer and FPS enthusiast.

Currently working on a server with a queue-style arena PVP.

Battle500 is my completed server. 

Have a great day!


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