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I need a better dupe skript


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This is my skript at the moment and i need it to be called Dupe2 So then when someone does /dupe2 they go from 2 to 8 instead of 2 to 4 so it doubles the dupe power pretty much
command /dupe:
    cooldown: 0 seconds
    cooldown message: &7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > You can use this command in &d%remaining time%!
        if player's held item is air:
            send "&4&lHfc&3&o&lX&f&lDupe > &4[!]&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 SAID NO DUPING AIR ! "
            cancel the cooldown
            if type of player's held item contains bedrock :
                send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! "
                cancel the cooldown
            if type of player's held item contains End Portal Frame:
                send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! "
                cancel the cooldown
            if type of player's held item contains Ender Chest :
                send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! "
                cancel the cooldown
            if type of player's held item contains paper :
                send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! "
                cancel the cooldown
            if type of player's held item contains white shulker box :
                send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! "
                cancel the cooldown
            if type of player's held item contains black shulker box :
                send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! "
                cancel the cooldown
            if type of player's held item contains red shulker box :
                send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! "
                cancel the cooldown
            if type of player's held item contains dragon egg :
                send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! "
                cancel the cooldown
            if type of player's held item contains tripwire hook :
                send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! "
                cancel the cooldown
            if type of player's held item contains nether star :
                send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! "
                cancel the cooldown
                give player player's tool
            give player player's tool
            send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > Duplicated &e&l%player's tool%&6&l!" to player

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loop 3 times:
	give player player's tool





Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

OG [VIP] 12/26/20 - 10/27/2021
OG [PRO] 12/27/21 - 11/18/2022
OG [LEGEND] 11/18/2022 - 3/14/2023
[DEFAULT] 3/14/2023 - 5/8/2024

[MOD] 5/8/2024 - Present


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1 hour ago, S5_FrozTie said:

This sadly didnt work maybe can you put in it the skript and ill try then because i might not know where to put it



command /dupe:
    cooldown: 0 seconds
    cooldown message: &7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > You can use this command in &d%remaining time%!
        if player's held item is air:
            send "&4&lHfc&3&o&lX&f&lDupe > &4[!]&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 SAID NO DUPING AIR ! "
            cancel the cooldown
            if type of player's held item contains bedrock :
                send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! "
                cancel the cooldown
            if type of player's held item contains End Portal Frame:
                send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! "
                cancel the cooldown
            if type of player's held item contains Ender Chest :
                send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! "
                cancel the cooldown
            if type of player's held item contains paper :
                send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! "
                cancel the cooldown
            if type of player's held item contains white shulker box :
                send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! "
                cancel the cooldown
            if type of player's held item contains black shulker box :
                send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! "
                cancel the cooldown
            if type of player's held item contains red shulker box :
                send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! "
                cancel the cooldown
            if type of player's held item contains dragon egg :
                send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! "
                cancel the cooldown
            if type of player's held item contains tripwire hook :
                send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! "
                cancel the cooldown
            if type of player's held item contains nether star :
                send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! "
                cancel the cooldown
                give player player's tool
            loop 3 times:
                give player player's tool
            send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > Duplicated &e&l%player's tool%&6&l!" to player





Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

OG [VIP] 12/26/20 - 10/27/2021
OG [PRO] 12/27/21 - 11/18/2022
OG [LEGEND] 11/18/2022 - 3/14/2023
[DEFAULT] 3/14/2023 - 5/8/2024

[MOD] 5/8/2024 - Present


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