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What is wrong with this skript?


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Basically I'm trying to make it add 1 kill to the person who kills a player and vice versa. Another thing I'm trying to do is give the killer a random amount of experience to level up on a kitpvp. can anyone help me know why this isn't working? (it says no errors when I reload)


on death:
	victim is player:
		attacker is player:
			set the death message to "&b%victim% &7was assassinated &c%attacker%&7! [&c%attacker's health%❤&7]"
			add 1 to {deaths::%victim%}
			add 1 to {kills::%attacker%}
			set {_gainedexp} to random integer between 15 and 25
			add {_gainedexp} to xp of attacker

on death:
	victim is a player:
		attacker is not a player:
			set the death message to "&b%victim% &7died."
			add 1 to {deaths::%victim%}


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1 hour ago, TheAltGang said:

Basically I'm trying to make it add 1 kill to the person who kills a player and vice versa. Another thing I'm trying to do is give the killer a random amount of experience to level up on a kitpvp. can anyone help me know why this isn't working? (it says no errors when I reload)


on death:
	victim is player:
		attacker is player:
			set the death message to "&b%victim% &7was assassinated &c%attacker%&7! [&c%attacker's health%❤&7]"
			add 1 to {deaths::%victim%}
			add 1 to {kills::%attacker%}
			set {_gainedexp} to random integer between 15 and 25
			add {_gainedexp} to xp of attacker

on death:
	victim is a player:
		attacker is not a player:
			set the death message to "&b%victim% &7died."
			add 1 to {deaths::%victim%}


maybe try something like this?

if type of victim is a player

untested so




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