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/join lobby command Skript

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19 minutes ago, aydencolonu99 said:

can someone give me the /join command Skript on the lobby

I'm not quite sure what you're asking. If you mean the /join <server name> command in the Minehut lobby, this isn't done in Skript, nor can you do it (as far as I know). Pretty sure Minehut disabled server transferring a while ago now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi! If I understand you correctly then I made this skript which let's just say when someone does "/join bedwars" it will send them to the bedwars world. 

#change in options the name of worlds

    lobby: lobby

command /join <world>:
        player is in "{@lobby}"
        make console execute command "/mvtp %player% %arg-1%"

command /lobby:
        make console execute command "/mvtp %player% {@lobby}"

Requires Multiverse.

also the names must be "bedwars" not "world1" 

also if you want to allow player's to join without being in the lobby just remove the line "player is in "{@lobby}" "

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