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Need help with my skript


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command /astrokit:
    set {astroDelay} to difference between {astro.%player%} and now
    if {astroDelay} is less than 1 minute:
      send "&bThis kit is on cooldown. You may use it again in &f%difference between {astroDelay} and 1 minute%&b."
    set {astro.%player%} to now
    wait 1 tick
    equip player with iron helmet
    equip player with iron chestplate
    equip player with chain leggings
    equip player with iron boots
    give player stone axe
    give player feather named "&5&lGravity Feather" with lore "right click while holding this to gain Jump Boost 2"
    give player golden apple
    give player golden apple
    give player golden apple
    give player golden apple
    give player Bow
    give player arrow
    give player arrow
    give player arrow
    give player arrow
    give player arrow
    give player arrow
    give player arrow
    give player arrow
    give player arrow
    give player arrow
    give player beetroot soup
    give player beetroot soup
    give player beetroot soup
    give player beetroot soup
    if player's balance is more or equal to 1000:
          subtract 1000 from player's balance
            send "Insufficient Funds!"


it says this i have no clue what it means ??????


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It's hard to explain what it means but I went ahead and just reskripted your skript a bit for you, it's shorter and doesnt use nested variables now 😄 


https://pastebin.com/cYpJ8gEg - The skript


https://forums.skunity.com/threads/empty-configuration-section.11679/ - Not sure if this will help with your problem but the person on that thread had a similar problem! 

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