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Cant Find GUI Slot While In Function


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I can't seem to find the GUI slot while using the function. Heres my skript:

on right click on villager:
	if display name of villager is "Blacksmith":
		open chest with 3 rows named "&7&lSmithing GUI" to player
		... # other stuff here that dosent matter to the problem at hand
		format slot 14 of player with anvil named "&8&lSmithing Tool" with lore "&a", "&7Put a item in the empty slot", "&7and click the anvil.", "&a", "&7This will add a bonus to your", "&7selected item." , "&a" and "&c&lWARNING: IRREVERSIBLE" to run [SmithTest(player)]

function SmithTest(p: player):
	set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
	set {_Item} to slot 12 of {_p} # This is the line im having problems with
	if {_item} is not air:
		give {_p} {_item}
		send "&cWrong slot :/" to {_p}

I want to give the player an item when they add something to slot 12 OF THE GUI.

Edited by AgentGamerPro




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Try changing 

format slot 14 of player to format gui slot 14 of player


Edited by Chloe30k
  • Thanks 2

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1 hour ago, Chloe30k said:

Try changing 

format slot 14 of player to format gui slot 14 of player


I edited my skript to show you where im hacing my problem. The formating i use works fine but in the function i can't call out the correct slot.




Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

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Ehrm, why are you making a function anyways?



IGN ➣ Pickey ( Soon ) 
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