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I need help uploading files/another world on my minehut server



So I am having massive problems with my friends. I play on minehut servers. And it is a long story on what happened.

Backstory (not important to read, but interesting)
So I improved our nether and made a good closed pathway up to our fortress. My other friend was furious about that cause he and other friend (we are only 3 friends playing on the server) were going to improve nether. He wanted me to reset the nether. I knew that he would regret it so I made a backup of the world. It was only me and that friend on the server. After that day, we all made some improvements in the overworld. Then out of nowhere he wanted me to make the nether back because he liked the nether and he was sorry about before, but we made a good amount of progress so we did not want to abandon that. I had the overworld save and the nether save so I compiled them and made the world with both improved nether and overworld, but for some reason I cannot upload the world.

I currently have the improved nether backup loaded on the server and there is no way to get back the improved overworld, except uploading files. I want to ask if I can upload everything again but keep the nether as it is, and if I can, how?
Alternatively I have another world which consists of everything I need but I cannot upload it. It gets to almost done and says "An error occurred. Please try again." and won't upload the world.

Final question
I cannot upload my own world on the server, it says that an unknown error has occured
How can I upload everything of a world data except the nether data

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