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All Skripts randomly stop working!


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All of a sudden all of my skripts have stopped working, last time I was on the server everything was working fine, chat format, join messages, commands, etc. 
I think I have managed to narrow it down to skripts that contain things like %player% and {variables}. Also, I have not added any new plugins since getting on last time, nothing has changed!

Thank you!!!

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15 minutes ago, Fancysheep14 said:

For each thing in %% do /papi ecloud download <plugin name> 

what do you mean? like /papi ecloud download player ?

EDIT: I have another server, with the same exact plugins, and this issue does not happen at all. I made another skript that is just a simple test command that sends a message back and that works fine but others still do not

Edited by BlockHeads36
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15 minutes ago, Fancysheep14 said:

For each %_% that you are using. Find what plugin it is from and run /papi ecloud download <plugin name> depending on them from this list: https://github.com/PlaceholderAPI/PlaceholderAPI/wiki/Placeholders

Nothing changed

Why would it work on my other server with the same plugins though?

Edited by BlockHeads36
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