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Posts posted by Seahawk101

  1. So I just made a server, blah blah blah, I'm using only four plugins: AdvancedReplay, Manhunt Plus, ProtocolSupport (allows order versions of minecraft), and WorldBorder, so it's has nothing to do with the cap (I don't think).

    So I typed in the IP to my server in the multiplayer tab or Minecraft, and it brings me to Minehut's Lobby. I typed in /join <SERVER_NAME>, but it just kept sending me to a new lobby.

    It said something mentioning not being on 1.17 (which was the version I was on and so was the server) in the chat. I asked people in the lobby and someone just private messaged me saying something like "ew" 1.17". But b4 y'all do that too, I'm just using it for recording videos with my friends and stuff, if I was doing something PVP related of course I would switch to 1.8.9. Just saying that cuz idk how toxic this community is.


    [EDIT: Yes, the server was online during the fiasco and I tried resarting it]


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