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Community Answers

  1. Hi! If you're still experiencing any issues with your server, please reach out to us by submitting a support ticket and we'd be happy to help! You can submit one here: https://minehut.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  2. Hi! If you're still experiencing any issues with your server, please reach out to us by submitting a support ticket and we'd be happy to help! You can submit one here: https://minehut.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  3. Puremin0rez_


    Hi! You can learn more about the Minehut Creators Program here: https://go.minehut.com/creator
  4. Hi! If you're still having any issues with your server, we can look into this problem for you and help get your server running! Please submit a support ticket here for further assistance: https://minehut.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  5. Hi! If you're still having any issues with your server, we can look into this problem for you and help get your server running! Please submit a support ticket here for further assistance: https://minehut.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new You can view additional information about the server crash by viewing your crash reports folder from the File Manager.
  6. Puremin0rez_

    Server Won't Start

    Hi! If you're still having any issues with starting your server, we can look into this problem for you and help get your server running! Please submit a support ticket here for further assistance: https://minehut.com/support/form
  7. Hi! You can access your server files by going to the File Manager on the server dashboard. You can find the server dashboard here: https://minehut.com/dashboard/home You will need to click "Activate Server" and then "Manage Server" to access your server settings and files. The server files are located within the "File Manager" tab at the top of the page.
  8. Puremin0rez_

    Ban Form

    Hi! If you would like to submit a ban appeal, you can do so by submitting one here: https://minehut.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new You can also send us an email to support@minehut.com. Please make sure to include your username so we can best assist you!
  9. Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that you are getting this error message. Can you try purchasing from the market and then installing it? Our team is working on a fix for this, but this method should work in the meantime. You can find the Market here: https://shop.minehut.com/
  10. Hi! Here are the instructions on how to upload a world: Start by making a zip containing all the files inside of the world folder. You can do this by selecting all the files and "archiving" or "zipping" all the files. Please be sure you don't name your world with any spaces. 1. Go to your server's panel and head to the File Manager (You can find the server dashboard here: https://minehut.com/dashboard/home) 2. Click on the Upload Files button 3. Select the file and then hit the Upload button 4. Unzip the folder in the File Manager Once the world is uploaded, you can assign it as your main world by using the Settings tab and updating your Level Name.
  11. Hi! You can change your server description in a few ways. If you'd like to change the server description that shows up from within the Minehut lobby, you can make this change by editing the "Message of the Day" on the server dashboard. You can find the server dashboard here: https://minehut.com/dashboard/home (You will need click "Activate Server" and then "Manage Server") If you'd like to change the server description that shows up in the multiplayer list on Minecraft, you can make this change by editing your "server.properties" file and changing the "motd=" line to a message of your choice. You can make this change by going to the File Manager tab on the server dashboard. Please be aware that you will need to restart your server after changing the message for it to take effect.
  12. Hi! If you're still experiencing any issues with your server, please reach out to us by submitting a support ticket and we'd be happy to help! You can submit one here: https://minehut.com/support/form
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