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Posts posted by serverclone1

  1. 18 minutes ago, _Tarna_ said:

    That's not how it works. Servers have it setup where you only gain rewards if you advertise their servers.


    If people are manually advertising servers themselves, its not considered bots since its not automatically advertising for them


    It isn't allowed but they aren't going to go out of their way to shutdown these services. 

    That's why I included the word 'basically', from the server owner's perspective, they aren't doing any work to get those advertisements and they can pretty much choose the ad message they want by telling players to use that.



  2. Ad rewards rely on a bot that sits afk in the lobby and records all messages that start with [AD], it then takes the string right before and right after that and sends it to a disc channel, after that, servers with that disc bot installed can check if their server's name is in the list and run a command targetting the string right before [AD], which is the player's name, this command then rewards the player.

    This is basically like having an army of bots that advertise for you for free and without ties to your server.

    However, ad rewards have their downsides:

    -Alts can advertise extremely quickly and funnel rewards for their main account, potentially breaking your server's economy

    -You can advertise a completely different server: "/ad (server1) [!]JOIN NOW /join (server2) FREE OPERATOR JOIN NOW /join (server2) [!]", all that matters is that you put in their server name after the ad command, the ad message itself is completely irrelevant so you can advertise your own server while gaining rewards at the same time.

    -Advertisements aren't always a good thing, for example if I advertise your server as being free op, then players will join your server and spam you to give them op, effectively reversing the game, now the bots work for me and I get my ad rewards anyways.

    Lastly, why is this even allowed? If I'm not allowed to use bots to push my server up to the front page permanently or advertise it every 8 minutes, then other servers should not be allowed to use bots to help out theirs just because they're doing it in a different way

  3. Backpacks - Already available on . Cost - 145

    Carrot Anticheat - By their own admission, it does nothing against timer, antiknockback, fastbreak and more. Why would I install this over the relatively cheap and free NCP/Matrix? Cost - 750

    Simple Graves - Already available on . Cost - 95

    Kit Creator - There are already 4 kit plugins on minehut. Cost - 400

    Moderation Tools - All advertised features are either available on or as individual plugins on minehut. Cost - 495

    All maps -  Or download them from planet minecraft... Cost - 695 for most expensive ones

    Easy Punish - Same as Moderation Tools but cheaper and worse. Cost - 195

    Staff Bundle - Same as Moderation Tools but more expensive. Cost - 600

    Simple Sell Wands - Already available on . Cost - 125

    And these are just the ones that were on the first 2 pages and that were self-explanatory, I would go after Kraken anticheat if I could, though without a test server it would be unfair to just say it's bad.



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