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Posts posted by hotpocket

  1. Could you please make me a script that shows a particle mesh and when something tries to go through it the mesh stretches a bit but doesn't let the thing go through. The stretch would be determined by what speed whatever is colliding with the mesh is going. Thank you! 🙂

  2. Since you are looping the queue list you could either do:

    teleport loop-value to location(x, y, z, world "worldName")

    or you could do:

    teleport {QueueVillage::%loop-index%} to location(x, y, z, world "worldName")

    Also, please post this in the correct place next time.

  3. I don't really know why you want it since literally all you have to do is indent 2 lines, but here:

    on drop:
        if player's held item is tnt named "{@itemname}":
            wait 10 seconds
            create explosion with force 4 at targeted block


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