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Posts posted by ShewRad1cal

  1. Hello,


    Around yesterday(28/02/2020), an issue started to persist on my server. The issue regarded my server randomly crashing, which at least at the current moment, I have not been able to pinpoint the issue. I must clarify that I believe in no way is this issue caused via lag, as I have 10gb of ram and will often linger around 3-6gb of ram usage; and it rarely penetrates 8-9gb of usage unless there is especially high traffic. 


    The issue is not directly a "crash", which is what tends to confuse me the most. What happens if that the server goes into a soft-locked limbo state, where no players can join and the console is unresponsive, with the file manager failing to show files, and the stop and restart buttons doing nothing. The server still shows that there are players online, almost acting as if nobody was disconnected, which is far from true. Nobody can connect during this limbo state. What may be the strangest part surrounding this is that, after 20-30 minutes, the server reboots itself and acts as if nothing happens, even though there are no crash-logs to show. The only way to break this limbo state is generally to force the server into hybernation, which does let me restart the server by taking it back out of hybernation, but it is clear that the files before the "crash" did not save, and I believe the server reverts back to the last backup.


    The issue tends to persist when there is 5+ players online, which would make my hypothesise that the issue occurs when a certain event internally is executed, however I can not pinpoint what the players are doing that is causing this issue to occur.


    This does not make much sense to me however, as on the 27th of February, the server reached a new player record of 29 players, and even though the TPS did drop to around 12, the server at no point crashed or showed signs of doing such. 


    I honestly have no idea what is causing this issue, and even my best guests could be completely inaccurate, but if this issue persists, it could massively hurt the servers internal player projections for the end of the month; as we intended march to be a period of hyper-growth.


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