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Posts posted by rigs4296

  1. when sometimes restarting servers it erases player joins so when you join it would say something like 
    (player joined for the first time)
    this would also effect your skript because you might have something that has the "on first join:"

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  2. you are using console command, correct? (sorry for asking, just me being dumb)
    if you are, don't put / because if you do, it will basically just output a command like this  
    ex: //command

  3. Edit: This Isn't Really Just Specifically for you but for everyone who has an issue like this,

    You shouldn't give OP to anyone who claims to be "Minehut Staff",

    these are usually never Minehut Staff just trolls trying to break your server of some way 

    Its not likely that a staff member would visit your server for any reason but to look around

    if this person is still trying to convince you that they are part of the staff team you should ask them for verification 

    [Discord Needed]
    Make them prove they are staff by asking them to send a message to you from the Minehut Server and check if they have the staff role

    if they say they dont have discord just don't give them op

    and ignore any threat they say like 
    "I'm Going To Remove This Server If You Don't Give Me OP"



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