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Posts posted by DarkSample

  1. Greetings!
    I'm kind of having trouble with regards to not being to PvP in the server.

    Here are the plugins:

    I've looked every where and here are the things I've done:
    *PVP is enabled in server.properties
    *Region global flag is set to allow PVP and set it to a random priority number since global region is the only region listed.
    *I've tried installing Essentials Protect hoping it would trigger that line in Essential's config which allows PVP?
    *Had this party in mcMMO where party members cant do PVP, but party has already been disbanded.
    *Uninstalled Essentials, WorldGuard, WorldEdit, mcMMO, and even Elitemobs one by one. Yet it still persists.
    * I tried reseting mcMMO user files by deleting mcmmo.users still persists. Nothing is in the party.yml
    From what I can recall, though I'm not so sure if this was after the disband, tamed wolves cannot be hit as well


    Tried removing every plugin and its folder. Still, the issue persists. And every datapacks as well. I'm guessing the mcMMO party feature somewhat did messed up playerdata.

  2. Help?

    Whenver I download my BetterSleeping folder from the FTP, I'm greeted with no label file with "b**b" name, and two pngs with b**b name. Haven't extracted them yet, but that's what's in the archive file.


    Welp Goodluck


    Edit: Rid of it from my computer



    So not sure if after some time I could recreate the issue.

  3. Good Day! I want to have players to be locked on to local chat with the proximity chat in work according to the survival plus config. But by default players are toggled to Global Chat indicated by the Green colored names in the chat. How am I able to have players disabled to Global chat and only enabled in local chat/ proximity chat.

    Thank you!


    Edit: Additionally, the /togglechat command only works on self and with admin privileges only. Though I'm not yet sure if that I gave permission to players, it'll work without players having access to /togglechat command.

  4. Good Day!

    I've been using Dangerous Caves 2 plugin for a while now. But I have  yet to encounter caves aging nor encountering Depth Hypoxia. I already have Placeholder API installed as stated in the config. But still, nothing.

    Any help with regards to my query are apprecited

    Thank you.

  5. Good Day!
    I can't seem to have Disease plugin to work. Though it is able to display status with command such as infecting or curing. But no status ailments. Is this a bug or due plugin needs update or what. Any help with regards to my query is much appreciated.

    Thank you

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