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Posts posted by flamewhisperer

  1. flamewhisperer_

    I was banned for forever for legacy bot. I have no idea what this means nor do I know why this has happened. 

    I've attached a screenshot. I've never played with any mods or external programs outside of optifine. Sometimes I get kicked out of my friends' servers for 'flying' although I presume it's only due to lag spikes and desync while I'm jump sprinting.

    Screenshot (74).png

  2. IGN (In game username): flamewhisperer_

    Why were you punished: 'bot'

    Proof that you are not guilty: I don't really know how to prove I am not guilty since I don't know exactly why I was banned. I have had no problems in the past other than the occasional autokick from servers for flying (I did not fly but it probably picks up my laggy movement as teleporting or flying). If this is the reason why I was banned I assure you I have not ever used any hacks or anything similar before.

    Have you been punished before: Occasional autokick from various servers for 'flying' (probably just because of lag or desync).

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