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Posts posted by BlueRivalPlayz

  1. So, I was working on my custom recipes skript, and I added a /resetrecipes command so I can remove my mess ups, but when i ran the command, I removed all of my recipes, is there a way that I can get all the vanilla recipes back?

    Here is the command for people that want to know.

    command /resetrecipes:
    	permission: op
    		wipe server crafting recipes
    		send "&c&LWIPED ALL RECIPES!"


  2. on load:
    	register new shaped recipe for nether star named "&6&kZ&4&lPortal To &c&lThe Nether&6&kZ" using 8 gold blocks, 16 obsidian, 8 gold blocks, 32 diamond blocks, 1 beacon, 32 diamond blocks, 8 gold blocks, 16 obsidian blocks 8 gold blocks
    	broadcast " "
    	broadcast "&aNew secret recipe available!"
    	broadcast " "

    It says that the register part is wrong.

  3. Hey! I am looking for a simple gens skript that will spawn an item on top of a placed block and have that block be able to be upgraded on right click. I do not need a whole skript just for one block/item.

    If you can help thanks!

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