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Posts posted by WorseKD1

  1. I recommend you make a group for each time the player should rank up and then set the suffix for each group:

    /lp group add 5kills (or whatever the command is) and then /lp group suffix 10kills &8[&c1&8]&r (or whatever the command is)
    /lp group add 10kills (or whatever the command is) and then /lp group suffix 10kills &8[&c1&8]&r (or whatever the command is)
    /lp group add 20kills (or whatever the command is) and then /lp group suffix 20kills &8[&c1&8]&r (or whatever the command is)

    and when the player gets a kill they get added to the group via commands, you can probably also do it with the placeholders for each luckperms group. But i don't have time and i don't feel like going through that hell. It would only be slightly if better and if not it would just be the same.

    To add more point groups just copy and paste a section of the function and then change the names and number accordingly.


    on death:
        if victim is player:
            if attacker is player:
                add 1 to {rank.points::%uuid of player%}
    function rankUp(p: player)
        if {rank.points::%uuid of {_p}%} = 5:
            execute console command "/lp user %{_p}% group add 5points"
        if {rank.points::%uuid of {_p}%} = 10:
            execute console command "/lp user %{_p}% group remove 5points"
            execute console command "/lp user %{_p}% group remove 10points"
        if {rank.points::%uuid of {_p}%} = 20:
            execute console command "/lp user %{_p}% group remove 10points"
            execute console command "/lp user %{_p}% group remove 20points"


  2. i tried to change the text and other stuff, but nothing worked, i found this forum post:

    but that also didn't work... the only thing i could think of is that image.png.62534d3b77613be1e6cc89517591a099.png is outdated. When doing /plugins and hovering SkEssentials it says  image.png.daa8f184ec5ea93e351647f3144a51a7.png
    might just be outdated?

  3. on block break:
    	clear drops
    	if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 1:
    		set {_drops::*} to drops of block
    		loop 2 times:
    			give player {_drops::*}
    	else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 2:
    		set {_drops::*} to drops of block
    		loop 3 times:
    			give player {_drops::*}
    	else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 3:
    		set {_drops::*} to drops of block
    		loop 4 times:
    			give player {_drops::*}
    	else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 4:
    		set {_drops::*} to drops of block
    		loop 5 times:
    			give player {_drops::*}
    	else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 5:
    		set {_drops::*} to drops of block
    		loop 6 times:
    			give player {_drops::*}
    	else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 6:
    		set {_drops::*} to drops of block
    		loop 7 times:
    			give player {_drops::*}
    	else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 7:
    		set {_drops::*} to drops of block
    		loop 8 times:
    			give player {_drops::*}
    	else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 8:
    		set {_drops::*} to drops of block
    		loop 9 times:
    			give player {_drops::*}
    	else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 9:
    		set {_drops::*} to drops of block
    		loop 10 times:
    			give player {_drops::*}
    	else if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 10:
    		set {_drops::*} to drops of block
    		loop 11 times:
    			give player {_drops::*}

    if player has a tool enchanted with fortune 10, he gets 11 times what that block would normally drop. Example: He mines 1 obby with fortune 6, he gets 1 obby because he mined it and then 6 more because he has fortune 6 on his pickaxe.

  4. on join:
    	if {staffchat.enabled::%uuid of player%} is not set:
    		set {staffchat.enabled::%uuid of player%} to true
    command /staffchatmsg [<text>]:
    	permission: staff.chat
    	permission message: &cYou do not have permission to do that!
    		loop all players:
    			if arg-1 is set:
    				if loop-player has permission "staff.chat":
    					if {staffchat.enabled::%uuid of loop-player%} is true:
    						send "&8[&cStaff&2Chat&8]&r %player%: %arg-1%"
    				send "&cUsage: /staffchatmsg <message>"
    		if {staffchat.enabled::%uuid of player%} is false:
    			send "&aYou send: &8[&cStaff&2Chat&8]&r %player%: %arg-1%" to player
    command /staffchattoggle:
    	permission: staff.chat
    	permission message: &cYou do not have permission to do that!
    		if {staffchat.enabled::%uuid of player%} is true:
    			set {staffchat.enabled::%uuid of player%} to false
    			send "&aYou have disabled &8[&cStaff&2Chat&8]" to player
    		else if {staffchat.enabled::%uuid of player%} is false:
    			set {staffchat.enabled::%uuid of player%} to true
    			send "&aYou have enabled &8[&cStaff&2Chat&8]" to player

    for some reason the command "/staffchat [<text>]" causes issues for some people, i think it's because there is already a command like that in some plugins?
    so i just made it into 2 commands

    hope this is what you wanted 🙂

  5. on load:
        set {custom.item.strength} to redstone dust named "&cStrength Talisman" with lore "&7Hold to get strenght 1 effect!"
    every 2 seconds:
        loop all players:
            if off hand item of loop-player is {custom.item.strength}:
                apply potion of strength of tier 1 to the loop-player for 2 seconds
    command /givetalisman:
        permission: op
            give player 1 of {custom.item.strength}
            send "&cYou have received strenght talisman" to player

    this should work 🙂


    on damage:
    	if {pvp.toggle::%uuid of victim%} is true:
    		if {pvp.toggle::%uuid of attacker%} is true:
    			if attacker is player:
    				if victim is player:
    					set {pvplog.active::%uuid of victim%} to true
    					set {pvplog.timer::%uuid of victim%} to 15
    					set {pvplog.player::%uuid of victim%} to player
    					set {pvplog.active::%uuid of attacker%} to true
    					set {pvplog.timer::%uuid of attacker%} to 15
    					set {pvplog.player::%uuid of attacker%} to player
    			send "&cThis player has pvp off!" to attacker
    command /pvptoggle:
    	cooldown: 5 seconds
    	cooldown message: &cYou can only do this command every 5 seconds!
    		if {pvplog.active::%uuid of player%} is true:
    			send "&cYou can't use this command while in pvp!" to player
    			if {pvp.toggle::%uuid of player%} is true:
    				set {pvp.toggle::%uuid of player%} to false
    				send "&aYou dissabled pvp for yourself!" to player
    			if {pvp.toggle::%uuid of player%} is false:
    				set {pvp.toggle::%uuid of player%} to true
    				send "&aYou have enabled pvp for yourself!" to player
    every second:
    	loop all players:
    		if {pvplog.active::%uuid of loop-value%} is true:
    			if {pvplog.timer::%uuid of loop-value%} > 0:
    				remove 1 from {pvplog.timer::%uuid of loop-value%}
    			else if {pvplog.timer::%uuid of loop-value%} = 0:
    				set {pvplog.active::%uuid of loop-value%} to false
    				send "&aYou are no longer in combat!" to {pvplog.player::%uuid of loop-value%}
    on quit:
    	if {pvplog.active::%uuid of player%} is true:
    		set {quit.loc::%uuid of player%} to location of player
    		loop items in inventory of player:
    			add loop-item to {_loopinventory::*}
    		clear inventory of player
    		drop {_loopinventory::*} at {quit.loc::%uuid of player%}
    		set {pvplog.bad::%uuid of player%} to true
    on join:
    	if {pvplog.bad::%uuid of player%} is true:
    		send "&cYou logged out while in combat and you have been killed!" to player
    		set {pvplog.bad::%uuid of player%} to false

    command "/pvptoggle" can only be used while not in combat, if you quit while in combat if clears your inventory and drops it at the spot you logged out.

    you can only take damage if you have pvp turned on!

  7. on block place:
    	add location of event-block to {blocksbyplayer::*}
    on block break:
    	if {blocksbyplayer::*} contains location of event-block:
    		clear drops
    		if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 1:
    			if event-block is iron ore or deepslate iron ore:
    				give player 1 of iron ingot
    			else if event-block is gold ore or deepslate gold ore:
    				give player 1 of gold ingot
    				set {_drops::*} to drops of block
    				give player {_drops::*}
    		if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 2:
    			if event-block is iron ore or deepslate iron ore:
    				give player 2 of iron ingot
    			else if event-block is gold ore or deepslate gold ore:
    				give player 2 of gold ingot
    				set {_drops::*} to drops of block
    				loop 2 times:
    					give player {_drops::*}
    		if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 3:
    			if event-block is iron ore or deepslate iron ore:
    				give player 3 of iron ingot
    			else if event-block is gold ore or deepslate gold ore:
    				give player 3 of gold ingot
    				set {_drops::*} to drops of block
    				loop 3 times:
    					give player {_drops::*}
    		if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 4:
    			if event-block is iron ore or deepslate iron ore:
    				give player 4 of iron ingot
    			else if event-block is gold ore or deepslate gold ore:
    				give player 4 of gold ingot
    				set {_drops::*} to drops of block
    				loop 4 times:
    					give player {_drops::*}
    		if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 5:
    			if event-block is iron ore or deepslate iron ore:
    				give player 5 of iron ingot
    			else if event-block is gold ore or deepslate gold ore:
    				give player 5 of gold ingot
    				set {_drops::*} to drops of block
    				loop 5 times:
    					give player {_drops::*}
    		if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 6:
    			if event-block is iron ore or deepslate iron ore:
    				give player 6 of iron ingot
    			else if event-block is gold ore or deepslate gold ore:
    				give player 6 of gold ingot
    				set {_drops::*} to drops of block
    				loop 6 times:
    					give player {_drops::*}
    		if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 7:
    			if event-block is iron ore or deepslate iron ore:
    				give player 7 of iron ingot
    			else if event-block is gold ore or deepslate gold ore:
    				give player 7 of gold ingot
    				set {_drops::*} to drops of block
    				loop 7 times:
    					give player {_drops::*}
    		if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 8:
    			if event-block is iron ore or deepslate iron ore:
    				give player 8 of iron ingot
    			else if event-block is gold ore or deepslate gold ore:
    				give player 8 of gold ingot
    				set {_drops::*} to drops of block
    				loop 8 times:
    					give player {_drops::*}
    		if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 9:
    			if event-block is iron ore or deepslate iron ore:
    				give player 9 of iron ingot
    			else if event-block is gold ore or deepslate gold ore:
    				give player 9 of gold ingot
    				set {_drops::*} to drops of block
    				loop 9 times:
    					give player {_drops::*}

    i created this...
    it should work 🙂

  8. I had posted a bug report on skripts github page.
    Other people had already found the bug, it just didn't want to show up when i searched for it ._.

    as i had suspected you can just use the block id (each stage of a growing plant has an id)

    wheat plant[age=7]


    the different plants have different max ages:



    the bug report on skript was anoying cuz it didn't show exactly how to type it out, it only said:


    after putting my 2 brain cells together i put plant afterwards and it worked 🙂

    here is the bug report on github:

  9. on mine:
    	if event-block is ripe wheat plant:
    		send "ripe wheat plant" to player

    if i use this code, and break a freshly planted wheat plant, it will also send the message. It will send the message as long as the it's a wheat plant.

    On the server where i coded it i had extra addons. But after testing on a fresh server with only skript installed i still got the issue..

  10. I want to make a checkzombies command to check if there is the correct amount of zombies in an area around the {zombiespawn} and then if there isnt making it the correct amount of zombies.

    (Im to this)This is the entire script:


    on death of zombie:
        wait 5 second
        set {_x} to random number between -4 and 4
        set {_y} to 9
        set {_z} to random number between -4 and 4
        set {_loc} to the location at {_x}, {_y}, {_z}
        spawn zombie at {_loc}
    command /checkzombies:
        cooldown: 5 minutes
        cooldown bypass: op
        cooldown message: You have to wait %remaining time% before using this command again

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