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Posts posted by C0mplexity

  1. Kosmos is a plugin I think could be really useful for projects such as minigames with some of its features. I'm not entirely sure what versions it supports (I think it is 1.14+). It is a skript addon that allows you to manage worlds in a server, including unloading and duplicating worlds and that can be great for having minigame worlds that are used once, and then are deleted and reset.


    The plugin link is here: https://github.com/TlatoaniHJ/Kosmos

  2. while 1 is 1:
    	loop all players in world:
    		on place of diamond block:
    			set {_genone} to {blockplace::%event-location%}
    		drop diamond at {_genone}

    Try this, idk what will happen if you restart the server. Let me know if there are any errors.

  3. You can use the plugin "Skript" as an alternative. If you install it, restart your server and go into the plugins folder in the file manager. Then go to the folder named "Skript" and then go to the folder called "Scripts". Make a file called "NoGreif.sk" and paste this in it:

    command /toggleprotection:
    		if player is op:
    			if {_protect} is 0:
    				set {_protect} to 1
    				send "&aThe world is now protected" to player
    			if {_protect} is 1:
    				set {_protect} to 0
    				send "&aThe world on no longer protected" to player
    			send "&c[Error] Lacking permission op"
    on break:
    	if player is op:
        	add 1 to {_blocksbroken}
    		if {_protect} is 1:
    			cancel event
    			send "&cThis world is protected."

    Click save and do /sk reload NoGreif

    If I wrote the code correctly it should come up with the message "[Skript] Sucessfully reloaded NoGreif.sk", if not let me know.



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