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Posts posted by alecj0217

  1. my server is randomly crashing, usually about an hour after it starts. the logs are empty when it crashes, it just is nromal then the logs end. no errors. no discordsrv watchdog message either. discord srv doesnt even show that it has stopped. i really need help bc this issue is annoying


    UPDATE: kick message says "An internal server connection error occured"

  2. 20 hours ago, StarBunnie said:

    The issue is skript doesn't detect any teleport or might detect it to late due to lag or other stuff. The reason why essentials /back works is due to it overwriting the usual /tp so they can set their /back location way more reliable. I'd suggest actually making your own /tp command if you want it to work 100% of the time.

    ok how would i make a tp command that works like the minecraft tp command

  3. 45 minutes ago, xTomPx said:

    Hey! idk if you still need it but I made a skript for this (change /skback to /back if you want, i made it like that so I wouldn't interfere with essetialsx):


    on command "/tp":
    	set {backloc::%player's uuid%} to location of player
    command /skback:
    		if {backloc::%player's uuid%} is set:
    			teleport player to {backloc::%player's uuid%}
    			send "Sending you to your previous location..."
    			delete {backloc::%player's uuid%}
    on quit:
    	if {backloc::%player's uuid%} is set:
    		delete {backloc::%player's uuid%}



    thats exactly what i have besides the /skback part

  4. ok so i want a command that whenever you type /back it teleports you to where you were before the last teleport. ex: player is at location 1, teleports to location 2. /back command brings them to location 1. this is what i have, but it only works sometimes. 

    on teleport:
    	set {backloc::%player's uuid%} to location of player
    command /back:
    		if {backloc::%player's uuid%} is set:
    			teleport player to {backloc::%player's uuid%}
    			send "Sending you to your previous location..."
    			delete {backloc::%player's uuid%}
    on quit:
    	if {backloc::%player's uuid%} is set:
    		delete {backloc::%player's uuid%}


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