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Posts posted by zuyn

  1. Hello, I am looking for builders for my server. It's a very large project that requires over 20 elytra parkour maps to be built. I am willing to pay a percentage of server revenue/week or a one time payment. Please contact me on discord Matts#1756 if you are interested.

  2. on join:
    	erase player's sidebar
    	set name of sidebar of player to "&3&lVligh"
    	set id based score "x: %player's x-location%" in sidebar of player to 3 with id "x.%player%"
    	set id based score "y: %player's y-location%" in sidebar of player to 2 with id "y.%player%"
    	set id based score "z: %player's z-location%" in sidebar of player to 1 with id "z.%player%"
    	set score " " in sidebar of player to 4
    	set id based score "&cTime: &f0" in sidebar of player to 5 with id "time.%player%"
    	while player is online:
    		if {timer::%player's uuid%} is set:
    			set {_time} to difference between {timer::%player's uuid%} and now
    			edit score with id "time.%player%" to "&cTime: &f%{_time}%" and 5
    			edit score with id "time.%player%" to "&cTime: &f0.00 seconds" and 5
    		edit score with id "x.%player%" to "&cx: &f%player's x-location%" and 3
    		edit score with id "y.%player%" to "&cy: &f%player's y-location%" and 2
    		edit score with id "z.%player%" to "&cz: &f%player's z-location%" and 1
    		wait 2 ticks
    on quit:
    	erase player's sidebar

    Attached is video of the issue Im having.

    Does anyone know what I did wrong?? I have no clue

  3. I am looking into creating a timer with skript, does anyone know what the most efficient way is to create a timer. It should do the following:

     Count the time someone takes doing some parkour (milliseconds too)

     Not cause any lag while multiple players are online


  4. command /drop:
    		if {drop::%player%} is not set:
    			set {drop::%player%} to true
    			send "enabled message" to player
    		if {drop::%player%} is false:
    			set {drop::%player%} to true
    			send "enabled message" to player
    		if {drop::%player%} is true:
    			set {drop::%player%} to false
    			send "disabled message" to player
    on drop:
    	if player is not sneaking:
    		cancel event
    		send "sneak to drop items"
    		if {drop::%player%} is false:
    			cancel event
    			send "dropping is disabled /drop"

    Is this what you meant?

  5. Scoreboard skript

    on join:
      set title of player's scoreboard to "&3&lSERVER NAME"
      while player is online:
        set line 8 of player's scoreboard to "  &7Kills: &b%{kills::%player's uuid%} ? 0%"
        set line 7 of player's scoreboard to "  &7Deaths: &b%{deaths::%player's uuid%} ? 0%" 
        set line 6 of player's scoreboard to "  &7K/D: &b%{kills::%player's uuid%}/{deaths::%player's uuid%}%"
        set line 5 of player's scoreboard to "  &7Streak: &b%{streak::%player's uuid%} ? 0%"
        set line 4 of player's scoreboard to "  "
        set line 3 of player's scoreboard to " "
        set line 2 of player's scoreboard to "  &7Discord: &b/Discord"
        set line 1 of player's scoreboard to "  &7Ip:&b SERVER IP"
        wait 3 seconds

    on death of player:
        if damage cause is void:
            set the death message to "&c%victim%&3 (%{streak.%victim%}%)&7 has died to the void&7."
            add 1 to {streak.%attacker%}
            set the death message to "&c%victim%&3 (%{streak.%victim%}%)&7 has died to &c%attacker%&3 (%{streak.%attacker%}%)&7."
            add 1 to {kills::%attacker's uuid%}
            add 1 to {deaths::%victim's uuid%}
            add 1 to {streak::%attacker's uuid%}
            set {streak::%victim's uuid%} to 0
            set {streak.%victim%} to 0

  6. %player% is not defined in an on death event,

    The fix for this should be:

    on death:
        if victim is a player:
            if attacker is a player:
                add 1 to {kills.%attacker%

  7. on break:
    	if player's held item is wooden pickaxe:
    		cancel event
    		give event-block to player
    		set block to bedrock
    		wait 25 ticks
    		set block to coal ore

    Im currently using a script that goes like this, the only problem with this being is that fortune on the pickaxe doesn't give the extra ores. Does anyone know a fix for this?

  8. Hi I'm zuyn, I have just joined the forums and I am excited to meet new people. I have been playing on Minehut for a few years now but have never even seen the forums.

    I usually join random servers until recently a server popped up called Destroy, it's a tnt wars server and it brought so many memories from when I used to watched youtuber like Prestonplays etc. I had always wanted to play those tnt wars things they did but until now I had never been able to. After a few days of playing I applied for moderator on the server and after getting accepted I have decided I want to get to know more of the Minehut community.

    My discord is Matts#1461 for if anyone needs to contact me or just would like have a conversation.

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