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Posts posted by Dreadnaxela

  1. I've been trying to do this for a while, My goal is to make a minecraft wand that when you right click it, it shoots out a line of particles. Doesn't sound too hard and there is probably a really easy way to do it, but I can't figure it out. I was researching, and found SKdragon, and so I installed it and it wasn't working. That's weird, I thought going to check the console. The console was FILLED with errors from SKdragon. Almost as many errors as TuSKe. I think it is because it is the wrong version of minecraft for the wrong version of SKdragon. So I can't use that. I messed around with skript's built in particles for a little bit, but that didn't work so now I'm using SKbee right now to try to figure it out. If someone could help me figure it out that would be highly appreciated.

    Read the comments down in the code.

    on right click:
    	if player's tool is cyan candle with name "&bWater&r Wand":
    		if {cooldown.%player's uuid%.water} is greater than 0:
    			send "&cYou're on cooldown for &bWater&r Wand&c for %{cooldown.%player's uuid%.water}% seconds." to player
    			cancel event
    			set {cooldown.%player's uuid%.water} to 10
    			clear {_a}
    			set {_a} to distance between player and target entity
    			set {_b} to 2
    			if {_a} is not set:
    				set {_a} to distance between player and target block
    				set {_b} to 1
    			else if target entity is not a player:
    				set {_b} to 1
    			set {_count} to 0
    			loop {_a}*2-1 times:
    				add 0.5 to {_count}
    #	Here is where I need to shoot the particles, you can kinda ignore the rest.
    				execute command "execute as %player% at @s anchored eyes run particle dripping_dripstone_water ^ ^ ^%{_count}% 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.01 20 force"
    #	I'd use that if it didn't spam everyone opped's chats. I basically need to turn that execute command into skript but I'm struggling.
    #	I have the thing below but it just makes the particles appear at the player's face. That's using SKbee. The thing below I mean.
    # make 10 of falling_dripstone_water at %eyes of player with offset vector(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
    				if {_b} is 2:
    					make player damage target entity by 4
    			cancel event
    every second:
    	loop all players:
    		if {cooldown.%loop-player's uuid%.water} is greater than 0:
    			remove 1 from {cooldown.%loop-player's uuid%.water}
    			if {cooldown.%loop-player's uuid%.water} is 0:
    				send "&aCooldown reset for &bWater&r Wand&a." to loop-player
    command cooldownreset <player=%player%>:
    		if player has permission "cooldownreset.sk":
    			set {cooldown.%arg-1's uuid%.water} to 0
    			send "&aCooldowns reset." to arg-1
    			if arg-1 is not player:
    				send "&a%arg-1%'s Cooldowns reset." to player


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