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Posts posted by nemonle

  1. options:
        main_color: &f
        second_color: &7
        prefix: &f» &7
    every 3 seconds:
        tps from the last minute <= 19:
            set {tps} to true if {tps} is not set
            delete {tps}
    on spawn:
        event-entity != player #just to make sure
        {tps} is true
        cancel event

    didn't test but should give general idea

  2. function shop(plr: player, p: number, amt: number, i: item):
      set {_x} to {_plr}'s uuid
      if {balance::%{_x}%} > {_p}:
        remove {_p} from {balance::%{_x}%}
        give {_plr} of {_amt} of {_i}
        play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" to {_plr}
        send "&cPurchase complete" to {_plr}
        send "&cInsufficient funds." to {_plr}
    command /shop [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
          open virtual chest inventory named "Shop" to player
          format slot (all integers between 0 and 26) of player with gray stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
          format slot 11 of player with gray grass block named "Blocks shop" to make player run command [/shop block]
        if arg-1 is "blocks":
          open virtual chest inventory named "Block shop" to player
          format slot (all integers between 0 and 26) of player with gray stained glass pane named " " to do nothing
          format slot 11 of player with grass block named "Buy 16 grass blocks" with lore "Cost: 50$" to run function shop(player, 50, 16, grass block)

    that uses skelett, skyrayfall, skript and i think query but should give you an a general idea of what you should do, it's not complete but you can add new items yourself.

    (also couldn't test it so uh yeah)

  3. i am not making all those gens, here is the core.

    every 5 seconds:
    	loop all players:
    		loop blocks in radius 5 around loop-player:
    			if loop-block is coal block:
    				drop 1 coal named "coal" at loop-block
    on left click:
    	if target block of player is a coal block:
    		set target block of player to air
    		give player coal block named "itemname"
    on right click:
    	if player is sneaking:
    		if target block of player is coal block:
    			if {balance::%player's uuid%} > 5000:
    				set target block of player to iron block
    				remove 5000 from {balance::%player's uuid%}


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