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Posts posted by Dabsol

  1. 22 hours ago, farwl said:

    There aren't backups on Minehut yet sorry. You can report griefers here on the forums.

    no, but the coreprotect thing saves your world and its how youre able to roll back. Which is why im asking can someone help us restore it to that like maybe an admin who actually has the power to do that or something idk

  2. So basically, we were playing on our server and someone destroyed EVERYTHING on the server using the replacenear command and replacing everything with air. When the command was loading, we got timed out from the server. The server was still up, however, because we joined back instantly to find everything gone. The coreprotect commands arent fixing it because we got kicked from the server. But, we have used rollback before and there MUST be previous saves (like you have the option to delete old logs so why cant you go back to old saves right) so we seriously request that someone help to bring our server back to one of those saves but even if that isnt an option, just ANYTHING to fix the server. There is no way all the previous server data is  just gone because we got timed out from the server. Even if we can't do it, can someone please help us like some sort of admin? We request your help, thanks for reading.

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