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Posts posted by clashincosmos

  1. 1) What is your IGN?



    2) What is your discord + tag (e.g Chilkins#0001)



    3) How old are you?



    4) Whats is your timezone? (e.g GMT+1)

    Eastern time zone (Est)


    5) What makes you different from other applicants?

    I am very active most of the time and I can recognize most hacks/exploits because I play on multiple anarchy servers




    5)  How much time have you put into the server?

    2-3 hours


    6) What made you want to apply?

    The server is really good but there are a abundance of hackers and when there are a-lot of Hackers it deters people from playing on the server and I don't wanna see a server like this die


    7) Do you have any further relationships with staff members?

    No, I do not


     Do you have any prior staff experience?

    Yes I used to run a creative server that had a good community until a couple of griefers ruined it. I was a mod on a server I found via the Minecraft discord which is now dead after half of the player base had to take summer camp.




    9) Someone's reported for hacking but you aren't sure on spectating them, what do you do?

    Wait and see if the player gets another report if so I would spectate them and take action if they are found out to be hacking.


    10) Say you catch another staff member abusing their perks, what would you do?

    get evidence and report the incident to the higher rank mods/admins.


    11) A spam bots come onto the server, how would you deal with them?

    Find and temp mute the bot for around a week incase it ends up circling back thru all the other servers.


    12) Someone's not abiding by the chat rules, how would you punish them?

    I would give them a warning and if they do not abide by it I would temporarily mute them for 24 hours


    13) People are verbally abusing you in chat, how would you deal with that?

    Give out one warning and if it continue I would temp ban them for a day and mute them for 3 days

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