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Posts posted by cavernforums

  1. 1 minute ago, EarthAgar said:

    No, Ersatz no longer works with the latest PlaceholderAPI... It's been broken for a couple months and I've been dieing to try and fix it, I figured out that skript-placeholders works so I spent all week rewriting and fixing everything so that it would all work for when it's added a few times now. Pop was likely going to add it from what they said in the comments of the last update post and so I made the request again as instructed, they commented to confirm, and it's not added. I'm not mad or throwing shade, I'm just very disappointed and at a loss for words and actions at this point.

    Oh. I haven't tried skript-placeholders, but my advice is to not tether skript with other plugins. There really isn't a great solution for this yet.

    If you are trying to make a scoreboard with skript-placeholders, my advice is to use regular skript variables for now, and code the variable changes yourself. Ultimately this is the best option for maximum control and less bugs through tethering.

    If you are trying to link a plugin like PlotSquared or Essentials economy to skript, there are skript addons that can do this better. If you just search the docs for the name of the plugin it most likely will pop up if there is an addon that supports the plugin.

  2. 1 minute ago, EarthAgar said:

    Hey good work Pop!


    I'm wondering why you didn't get skript placeholders tho. I think last time you said you would add it and I've been hoping to get it since. Wi I need to wait till next update wave now? I've been delaying my server for over a month now in hopes of it being added and I just don't know if I can wait anymore... I'm at a point of needed to just cancel as I don't see it ever being added. Also Skript has an Official 1.16 release now as well.

    are you talking about Ersatz?

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