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Posts posted by Yello223

  1. So, I am 7444, A minehut player looking for Bedwars and Among us servers. So I find a good bedwars server called CraftingIn and by good server I mean GOOD, very good. Except one thing. I went there with me and my alt account my alt is named: "123123123123ffff" and so what they do on that server they welcome you nicely and then you play a game with an admin and the admin abuses and flies around and says "I am laggy" This is clear admin  abusing which ruined my fun. But that isn't so bad.. At this point you know that someone is cheating so you have to respond and I did, i wasn't SOOO rude, Just pointing out that an admin was abusing. After this I was jailed with some very bad words around me on signs. Saying i am trapped and I am a scum. now the owner is called InfinitePlayzMC but I forgot the name of the admins that abused one of them were like: Viritze or something. So after the jail thing they /sudo you to say things like "Black people are gay", "My mother is my wife" And bullshit like that. Of course the mods reading this are 13+, so I don't really feel bad for writing profanity. When you try and point out that I'm getting sudoed, they act like nothing happened and even though they know that they are abusing and writing bad things which should be VERY bad for Minehut and everyone in general. And so to end it they ban you acting like you are an idiot that writes bad things, when in reality you start off with a great bedwars server ending on a server that has to reported. Now idk why this story happened to be on CraftingIn but if it happens to someone else please relate. I suggest going on an alt or your main account and then just acting normal and posting evidence and spreading the word because I need this server and ALL the staff of this server, especially the "Viritze" guy.

  2. I got muted on minehut for 1 month for externally advertising. I wouldnt ever advertise for any other server if i knew it was not allowed. Also this point sounds 100% fake but it was probably my friend saying minehut is bad and hypixel or invaded is better. And advertising for hypixel or invaded. Otherwise i dont know what message got me muted for so long because my last mute was only 1 day and this mute is too long compared to the 1 day i got last time. Please read this and respond positively. (forgot to add the user had to edit it : Yello223 is my user)

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