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Posts posted by CFR_YT

  1. 😰 Me and my family started up a survival server quite a while ago, and we've made so much progress and we've been having so much fun on there but yesterday i set the randomtickspeed to 100000000 to grow some grass which was a bit unnecessary, and now every time we start up the server we get kicked off saying that it shut itself down and when we enter the world none of our chunks load i've tried everything logical and i cannot get back on there please help me, PLEASE.

  2. Me and my family started up a survival server quite a while ago, and we've made so much progress and we've been having so much fun on there but yesterday i set the randomtickspeed to 100000000 to grow some grass which was a bit unnecessary, and now every time we start up the server we get kicked off saying that it shut itself down and when we enter the world none of our chunks load i've tried everything logical and i cannot get back on there please help me, PLEASE.

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