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Posts posted by bobyjoey12

  1. Bedrock is not down, it could be the version that you are playing on, as Minehut currently only supports version 1.16.220. Bedrock support is also in beta so it wont always work 100% of the time.

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  2. M I N E H U T  C O M M U N I T Y  F A Q


    REQUIREMENTS: Simple Portals

    Introduction to the Simple Portals plugin:

    Simple Portals is a plugin that allows you to quickly create regions that teleport you to different areas, as well as add commands to certain regions! This plugin works both within one world, or throughout multiple worlds!

    Basic Portal Setup:

    After you have the Simple Portals plugin installed, join the server and perform the command /sp sm which both enables and disables the Simple Portals Selection Mode, so you can select the portal area.
    The area can be any sort of cube or rectangular selection, you can simply left click the first selection then right click the second selection.
    You will then want to create the portal with /sp create (portalname) this should put particles within the entire selected area so you can see where the portal is, then perform /sp sl (portalname) to set the portal location at your exact location.

    • /sp sr (portalname) can be used to view the exact location of the portal. 

    • /sp delete (portalname) is used to delete a portal. 

    • /sp disable (portalname) allows you to disable portals without the need to delete them.

    • /sp enable (portalname) enables a portal.

    • /sp list simply lists all portals in a specified server.

    • /sp reload allows you to reload the plugin if you modify the config files without the need for a hard restart.

    Advanced Usage:

    These commands add some cool things to help add cool implementations.

    • /sp addcmd (portalname) (command):(PLAYER/CONSOLE) allows you to add commands that are run when a player enters a portal. If you put nothing, the command is ran by the player by default. The PLAYER portion means the command is run by the player and requires the player to have permissions and CONSOLE is forcing the console to run a command.

    • /sp cmds (portalname) allows you to see a list of commands associated with the portal. 

    • /sp tco (portalname) allows you to toggle command-only mode, which disables the portal but still allows commands to run. 

    • /sp clearcmds (portalname) is the only way to remove commands from a portal and removes all commands from a portal.

    • /sp cmds (portalname) allows you to view all commands associated with a given portal.

    • /sp message (portalname) (message):(Normal, Bar, Title or Subtitle) allows you to add messages when a user enters a portal.
      Normal places the message in the chat;
      Bar sends the message above the hotbar;
      Title sends the message in the middle of the screen in large letters;
      Subtitle sends the message in the middle of the screen in small letters.
      Note that you can only set a total of 4 different messages in an individual portal, one in each of the text-displaying areas.

    • /sp dm (portalname) disables all messages associated with a specified portal.

    Permission Nodes: 




    • simpleportals.showregion Allows a user to view portal regions.
    • simpleportals.setlocation Allows a user to set portal locations.
    • simpleportals.info Lets a user view plugin info
    • simpleportals.reload Lets a user reload config files.
    • simpleportals.create  Allows a user to create a portal.
    • simpleportals.delete Lets a user delete a portal.
    • simpleportals.list Allows users to list all portals.
    • simpleportals.selectionmode Lets a user toggle selection mode.
    • simpleportals.portal.(portalname) Lets a user use a portal, use * to allow access to all portals.
    • simpleportals.addcommand Lets a user add a command to portals.
    • simpleportals.clearcommands Allows users to clear portal commands.
    • simpleportals.togglecommandonly Lets users toggle command only mode.
    • simpleportals.viewcommands Grants access to view portal commands.
    • simpleportals.toggle Lets users toggle portals.
    • simpleportals.message Lets users set messages for portals.
    • simpleportals.dm Lets users disable portal messages.
    • simpleportals.fill Lets users use portal filling commands




    Require further assistance?:

    If you need more help on this topic, head over to this section of forums, or join our Discord!


    📎  Simple Portals Spigot Page

    Compiled by the Minehut Staff Team


  3. M I N E H U T  C O M M U N I T Y  F A Q


    REQUIREMENTS: MCJukebox, WorldEdit (Optional) and WorldGuard (Optional)

    Introduction to the MCJukebox Plugin:

    MCJukebox is a web-API-based plugin that allows you to play custom music or audio effects to increase the level of immersion with players without the use of a resource pack or any of those pesky downloads. You can invite individual users, or you can make a whole show to listen in with other users! With the use of the WorldEdit and WorldGuard plugins, you can create specific regions to play specific audio effects to increase the hype or create a dramatic mood.

    First, make sure you have the plugin set up via these steps:

    1. Go to the MCJukebox website here and create an account (Be sure to check your email to verify the account!).

    2. Log in to the MCJukebox website and scroll to the “Plugin Configuration” section and copy the API key supplied by clicking the “Copy Key” button.

    3. Join your server that you would like to use the plugin on, and use the command /jukebox setkey <API Key>.

    Unlike most plugins, MCJukebox does not have a traditional config file. The config for the plugin is instead located on the MCJukebox website.

    Creating Links to Audio Files:
    You will next need to create specific links to the audio files that you would like to play. If you already have direct links to audio files that you would like to use skip to the next section. Here I will be discussing the use of Jukehost, a service that allows you to convert audio files to web-links, however, there are plenty of other options available. Please note that links from Youtube, Soundcloud, Spotify, etc. will not work. They need to be direct web-links to an audio file (ex. ending in .mp3, .ogg, .flac).

    1. Create a Juke host account here, verify your email then login.

    2. Next, go to the library tab and select upload or click here.

    3. Now simply upload all of the music you want, then reload the page!

    4. To copy the link for usage, just hit the copy button located beside the edit button on the song you would like.

    Basic Operation:
    At this point, you’ve pretty much finished the basic setup of the plugin, now you may be wondering, “How do I use this plugin?”.

    1. Firstly, you must get players who would like to participate in the music/audio cues to join the audio server using the command /jukebox. All users should have this command by default and should not require any permissions to be added.

    2. You then have one of two options, you can set music for one specific user, or you can create what is called a show in which multiple users can listen to the same audio! To add players to a show, simply type /jukebox show add <user> <@(show)>, where (show) can be any name.

    3. To start the music or sound for everyone, simply use one of these two commands, for music; /jukebox music <username/@(show)> <music link>  or for sound use /jukebox sound <username/@(show)> <sound link>.

    4. To stop all audio, you can use /jukebox stop <user/@(show)> to stop a specific show or user’s music. To stop either music or everything for a specific show, you can use /jukebox stop <music/all> <user/@(show)>.

    Advanced Operation:
    Now that you know how to use the basics of the plugin, you now will be able to set specific regions to play audio for certain users or shows to surprise users or to hype up the mood! Keep in mind, this is entirely optional, as well, other protection plugins such as RedProtect cannot be used for this feature.

    1. First of all, make sure that you have both the WorldEdit and WorldGuard plugins installed on your server. And create a region as you would normally by right clicking two opposing corners of a cube then typing /region define <id>.

    2. You will then want to perform the command /jukebox region add <id> <URL/@(show)>. If you simply use a URL, it will play that audio for a connected user that is in that region. If you set the region to use a show, it will play whatever audio that is playing in the show you defined. Now whenever a user that is connected to the audio server enters the region, they will have the associated audio playing!

    3. If you want to stop the music from playing in that region, you can simply stop the show if you use a show, or you can just perform the command /jukebox region remove <id> to remove any audio associated with that region.

    Permission Nodes:
    Here is a simple list of permission nodes, as it is not thorough on the plugin page.

    jukebox.music / jukebox.sound - Allows for a user to switch audio for a user or a group.
    jukebox.show / jukebox.show.add - Allows a user to add a Show.
    jukebox.stop - Allows a user to stop audio as discussed under Basic Operation
    jukebox.region / jukebox.region.add / jukebox.region.remove - Allows a user to add or remove regions respectively.

    Note that worldedit and worldguard permissions are needed to define regions.

    Require further assistance?:

    If you need more help on this topic, head over to this section of forums, or join our Discord!

    📎 MCJukebox Spigot Page
    📎 Tutorial on Alternate MP3 Link Conversions

    Compiled by the Minehut Staff Team


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  4. First, make sure your world has been uploaded correctly by checking the file manager, they will be called ul_(worldname).
    Next, go to settings and scroll to level name and change the name to the worldname (ul_(worldname)).
    Next stop/start your server and it should be good. 🙂 hopefully this helped

  5. One of the only fixes that I've noticed works well is to install the multiverse plugin from your dashboard and to use the /mvm set difficulty (difficulty)  command. Hopefully this works for you once servers are done maintenance. 🙂

  6. Hello! My name is Corbin and I reside in Western Canada, I'm not exactly new to minehut, I've been playing for about two years or so and I've been playing minecraft since 1.5. I have two jobs and am currently in college to get my doctorate in pharmacy and become a pharmacist. I have many hobbies and am always more than happy to make friends where I can. If you wanna become friends, shoot me a reply or add my discord bobyjoey12#8984

    I'm always more than happy to help people out to the best of my ability 🙂

    Note: It may say I've only been on the forums for about 6 months but that's only the forums 😛

  7. If you are on Windows, go to your search bar, on the bottom left of your screen and search %appdata% then press enter

    It should bring you to the appdata folder, you will then want to doubleclick the folder called .minecraft

    Near the bottom you will find PNG files called textures_0 through to textures_4

    textures_0 is most likely causing the issue since it contains the main inventory sprites.

    This is what the file "should" look like, feel free to use this copy if you want to replace yours.

    You could also download the minecraft 1.16.4 recource pack off of the internet and put that into the recourcepacks folder.

    After you do this, just go in game, go to recource packs and select the new default you downloaded.


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