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Posts posted by Lerx

  1. Alright, so we need an anti drop skript


    Lag is absurd even with a 3 minute clearlag skript and 6 gb ram.


    Need to limit drops a lot, clearlag is minimum taking 300 entities every 3 minutes.


    All i need is something that sends items when u break straight to your inventory not dropping on the ground.


    pls help server gonna shrivel and die soon

  2. every 10 seconds:
        loop all players:
            wipe loop-player's sidebar
            wait 1 tick
            set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&7&lR A I L - M I N E S"
            set score "&a" in sidebar of loop-player to 13
            set score " &8➢&7&l YOU" in sidebar of loop-player to 12
            set score " &8• &7Rank&8:&r %loop-player's prefix%" in sidebar of loop-player to 11
            set score " &8• &7Username&8:&r %loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 10
            set score " &8• &7Balance&8:&a %loop-player's balance%" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
            set score " &8• &7Kills&8:&a %{totalkills::%loop-player's uuid%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
            set score " &8• &7Deaths&8:&c %{totaldeaths::%loop-player's uuid%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
            set score " &8• &7Blocks mined&8:&r %{totalminedblocks::%loop-player's uuid%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
            set score "&b" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
            set score " &8➢&7&l SERVER" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
            set score " &8• &7Online&8:&r %number of all players%/75" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
            set score " &8• &7Unique joins&8:&r %size of all offline players%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
            set score " &8• &7IP&8:&r railmines.minehut.gg" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
            set score "&c" in sidebar of loop-player to 0

    on break:
        add 1 to {totalminedblocks::%player's uuid%}
    on death:
        if victim is a player:
            if attacker is a player:
                add 1 to {totalkills::%attacker's uuid%}
                add 1 to {totaldeaths::%victim's uuid%}

    that's the skript


    it just pops in and out whenever it pleases. it reloads fine but sometimes it shows sometimes it doesn't


  3. I'm on the MH720 (lowest monthly minehut plan) and it's registering the plugins as unlimited and everything.


    Except my player count.


    It's still limiting me to 10 players, and it says that from the console on that server, but when i go to server plans it shows as one of them being free the other being MH720 (which is correct) but it's not showing.


    Please help this is kind of a big deal seeing as the main reason we got the plan was for more players.

  4. 13 hours ago, KJPAKA said:

    on any movement:

            if player's world is "VoidWorld":

                    if y-coordinate of player <= 57:

                            make player execute command "/spawn"

    Says there's an error with the indenting or something. It says that you may want to indent or remove a colon.


  5. if player's world is "VoidWorld":
        on any movement
            if y-coordinate of player <= 57:
                make player execute command "/spawn"

    not working.

    sending me back to /spawn on any world at y 56 or below.


    halp me.


  6. Okay, everything technical works, they can't drop and when they do /drop they can now drop items for 10 seconds.

    But when they try and drop before they do /drop, it prevents them, but it does not activate this part of the skript. In the end it's probably minor, but i would like my players to know how to drop.

    send "&cYou cannot drop items! Do /drop first!"
  7. 1 hour ago, Ria said:

    This can be easily be covered without the use of "make console execute...".
    My example would be like this:

    on join:
    	set {%player%::candrop} to 0
    	# this is to avoid player from bypassing the ability to drop
    command /drop:
    	cooldown: 1 minute #optional
    		send "&cYou can drop items for 10 seconds now!"
    		set {%player%::candrop} to 1
    		wait 10 seconds
    		send "&cYou can't drop items anymore."
    		set {%player%::candrop} to 0
    on drop:
    	player does not have permission "admin" # admins can bypass drop cooldown
    	{%player%::candrop} is 0 # players who used /drop will bypass this for 10 seconds
    	cancel event
    	send "&cYou cannot drop items! Do /drop first!"

    If you want to use this example, make sure to either remove the plugin that stops from players dropping items or add the drop permissions to the default group.

    alright i forgot to say in the top it's a skript that prevents players from dropping on drop:

    player doesn't have permission "item.drop"
        cancel event
        send "&8( &4&l!&8 ) &cDropping items is disabled. To drop items, use /drop." to player

    But this looks like it would cover both, i'll edit this in about 5 minutes after i test!



  8. Alright this is a skript i made myself partially, so it's not perfect, but it is NOT WORKING. (ignore the .drop it should be /drop)


    command /drop:
            send "&cYou can drop items for 10 seconds now!" to player
            make console execute command " /pex user %player% timed add item.drop 10 VoidWorld"


    The dropping of items works as it should, not dropping items BEFORE you say the command.

    But after you say the command (/drop) it still does not let you drop items.

    I think this is an issue with pex not adding it to the player but i am not sure.




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