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Posts posted by MayhemZSuper

  1. 7 minutes ago, Avippy said:

    Can be used with skript

    command /wdauhjpwod:
        permission: f.idot
        permission message: &cno
            execute console/player command "kill @a"
            wait 200000000000000000000000000000000000000 tick/second
            execute console/player command "bc sorry everyone for being mean"
            execute console command "wdauhjpwod"

    Therefor running the command and resetting.

    but this is a simpler way so I guess +1 and -1

    (p.s. this is a simple skript because i was tired)

    Yeah Idk how to use skript so I just recommended this xD sorry

  2. So, I'm having an issue with QualityArmory where I can only shoot an enemy player once, but the rest of my bullets don't register. This happens with every gun; I tested. It seems like every once in a while, about 10-15 seconds, a bullet will do damage. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

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