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Posts posted by ZoutPotje

  1. Minecraft (In - Game) username: ZoutPotje

    Age: 13

    Discord Tag & Name: ZoutPotje#0128

    Time Zone (ex. EST): GMT +1

    Are you Multi-lingual (able to fluently speak other languages): No

    If yes (above) what languages?: (didnt say yes)

    Do you have a Microphone? (yes/no): Yes

    Do you have the ability to record rule breakers? (yes/no): Yes

    Do you think you are Mature?: Yes

    Broad Details

    Why did you apply for Eco Mines?: I Like the idea of the server i enjoyed the beta and i want to do good for the server

    Any special position you are applying for (ex. Dev): Helper

    Why should we accept you over others?: I am experienced and can help wherever you need

    What are you're Positives? (strengths): Commands, Skript, Experience, Activety, Kind

    What are you're Negatives (weaknesses): ADHD

    How much experience do you have as a moderator? What are some experiences?: I had my own server with around 20+ people all the time online

    Have you been ever been punished on Eco Mines?: No

    What do you want to achieve as a Staff member of Eco Mines?: I want to help it be kind and beatifull

    Circumstantial Questions

    If a player is hacking, what would you do? Record evidence then ban

    If our server is getting botted, what would you do? Mute chat ban bots

    If a player is spamming, what would you do?: Mute them take screen

    If a player is saying offensive stuff, what would you do?: Tell them to stop if he/she not stops mute

    Have you ever argued with a player on Eco Mines? If so, what for? Nope

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