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  1. colorblindcolin's post in whitelist was marked as the answer   
    Turn on whitelist with /whitelist on
    Players with OP are automatically on the list and everyone else can be added with /whitelist add <player>
  2. colorblindcolin's post in Dificulty was marked as the answer   
    Do you have Multiverse installed? If so, this will overwrite the difficulty; just change it in your file manager > plugins > multiverse > worlds and scroll until you find the difficulty section.
  3. colorblindcolin's post in How much money/credits PER MONTH is the daily plan? was marked as the answer   
    The plan costs credits daily (40 to be exact) meaning you simply have to multiply 40 by the amount of days in the given month. A standard month has about 30 days, so 30 x 40 = 1,200 credits per month (Slighty less than double that of the MH20 plan.)
  4. colorblindcolin's post in I forgot the name to bedrock.minehut.com was marked as the answer   
    Connect with the port 19132 and the IP bedrock.minehut.com 🙂
  5. colorblindcolin's post in Is there a way to favorite a server so you can join it whenever? was marked as the answer   
    Indeed there is!
    While in the hub, you can execute the command /favourite <server>
    This will add it to your favorite list and is accessible through the main menu item.
    Keep in mind you'll need to have a rank to add more servers!
  6. colorblindcolin's post in Can you allow the use of hack clients on your own server? was marked as the answer   
    Minehut allows hacks as long as they aren't obnoxious in the hub. You may, however, want to go to your server's panel and head to the Settings tab. Here you can enable flight.
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