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Posts posted by Skraq

  1. Introduction

    Greetings players of the Minehut Marketplace!
    I'm here today to offer Management Services. Many servers fail because of a poor Management and Minehut lacks serious and experienced Managers. Therefor, I'm currently offering Free Management Services to make a new resume dedicated only to Minehut.

    About me
    My name is Skraq but I also go by Ryley. I'm a teenager from Sweden who have been "Staffing" for a few years now. I have been Staff on minehut servers aswell as Managing them from as long as I can remember. I have experience from different types of Minehut and "real" servers. 

    My History on Minehut
    I have been on Minehut for a few years now. I have seen the different trends and updates that have been during this years. Most of the servers I have worked for is no longer very known or still open, however many of them used to be on the top list multiple times per day.

    I'm currently offering my Management services for free, however I might charge in the late future. I'm looking to make a new Management resume based around Minehut Servers. 
      I can do any type of Management you would like. For example; Staff Management, Media Management, Community Management and more.

    Altho my services are free, there are things you can pay a small charge to get. These could be a professtional discord server setup. I'm charging a few bucks for this, however other freelancers and people on other forums normaly charge $10-$15 at minimum for this. However I can setup a basic functional Discord server for cheap if required.

    Twitter: @Skraq_
    Discord: Ryley#2794
    Minecraft: Skraq

    I'm most active on Discord. If you have any questions or wish to discuss more information, feel free to contact me on Discord, Twitter or respond to this thread.

    Thanks for reading!

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