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Posts posted by CreativeWriter

  1. DISCLAIMER: I recommend you listen to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xg6RMxIsz48 instrumental as well as:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5IH9TyEoi4 while you read!


    Fear enveloped Christian as he took another step. His body shook and his vision began changing. The trees that were once peacefully standing before him now began to wave in an unorthodox manner. The wind began violently pushing him around. 

    "No! Please! Leave me alone!" He screams.

    But it was all for naught as screams echoed from behind him. The darkness began to grow. The world around Christian was becoming nothing but darkness and anger. The trees uniformly manifested eyes and mouth. Deformed smirks were visible on their faces along with the reddish glint in their eyes. And finally, the darkness finished its horrid consumption of Christian, nothing remained.

    Then, seemingly out of nowhere, the darkness spoke, "Once again, little one! Why didn't you just listen!"


    A distressed Christian opened his eyes to find himself laying on a bed in a familiar location. Littered all over the floor were empty bags of chips and dirty clothes. Small cobwebs could be seen if one looked around the room. There was a theme of gray that made it all the more lifeless. But Christian paid no attention to any of that. He'd simply known this place all too well.

    He rose and sat on the bed contemplating what to do. 

    "Why me? Why can't it go after someone else?" His rant continued until he was out of breath. The tears he held back flushed out like an explosion. The small cries became screams, better yet, pleas for help; but no one answered.

    After a while of complaining Christian finally got a hang of himself. He knew crying would do nothing to get him out of his current situation. He finally stood up and began to act. 

    "When the first sound comes, I have to be ready," he thought. 

    He knew that when he heard the first scream the "game" would begin. His strategy of running away didn't work, "It always catches up to me every time I run."

    He brainstormed new ways to escape the death that followed him.

    He thought, "What if I fight back? I have a chance if I take this seriously. I've only been running this entire time!"

    With just a sliver of belief in himself, he gathered the materials he needed. He searched through the room and found some interesting items, "Alright I got a knife, a flashlight, extra batteries, and fireworks! This should be enough!"

    Despite being prepared Christian still felt the same fear he felt the first time the darkness killed him. He breathed in and out in rhythmic patterns in hope of diminishing the fear. 

    However, before he could finish his breathing exorcise a scream sounded out, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" 

    It was the beginning once again! The room he resided in fell apart instantly and blacklight rushed in from behind. But Christian did not run, instead, he stood his ground and sheepishly yelled, "Where are you?! Come fight me!"

    A couple of seconds of silence passed until laughing erupted from the darkness, "Ahahaha! Child, I am here. Do what you can!"

    Immediately Christian grabbed onto one of the fireworks in his pocket and lighted it. He braced himself and threw it at the darkness as hard as he could. 

    An explosion rang out, shortly brightening the location of the darkness.

    "ACH!" screamed the darkness, "What are you doing! You fool!"

    Angered, the darkness began to take form. It manifested the form of a large sword with a sharp curve directly in the middle. 
    The darkness spoke one more time, "Prepare once again, human, for your inevitable death." 

    After speaking the large sword swung downwards towards the ground. Christian started running away from the sword while also lighting another firework. He jumped into the air and threw the firework in the darkness. 

    Another loud and elongated explosion rang out blowing Christian away. The sword hit the ground destroying several chunks of it.

    The darkness, however, was not able to escape Christian's firework. Parts of its dark form were now a purplish color and its screams were becoming less and less loud.

    Christian noticed this and took advantage of the downtime of the darkness. He lighted two fireworks and threw them at the purple regions of the darkness.

    The two large explosions caused the darkness to scream out once again. But Christian wasn't backing down. He lit one more firework and threw it at the now very light purple region of the darkness.

    Enraged, the darkness gathered itself into another sword. It swung down vigorously aiming to kill Christian. But Christian started running the second he saw the sword appear. The ground the sword slammed into was effortlessly destroyed. Small bits of darkness rose from the destroyed areas and rushed towards Christian.

    "Ah!" He didn't notice in time as three black dots pierced through is body leaving nothing but empty holes in them. No blood flowed.
    Feeling a rush of adrenaline, Christian lit one of the last two fireworks and aimed for the extremely light purple regions of the darkness, "I will not be killed by you again!"

    He threw them with perfect accuracy! The darkness felt parts of its body become nothingness, "wHaT iS tHIS!"

    It's three-dimensional figure began changing. And before Christian's eyes was himself.

    The darkness spoke in a light voice saying, "Come kill me...if you can! HAHA!"

    But Christian saw threw the ploy, "You're not me! I'm not stupid!" 

    He lit the last firework and threw it straight into the face of the darkness destroying the area around it in the process of throwing it, nothing remained.

    Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a distressed Christian opened his eyes to find himself laying on a bed in a familiar location. Littered all over the floor were empty bags of chips and dirty clothes. Small cobwebs could be seen if one looked around the room. There was a theme of gray that made it all the more lifeless.


    That is the end of the story! Thank you for reading.



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