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Posts posted by tmoa2

  1. On 7/9/2021 at 5:04 PM, nolando09 said:

    Please  make me a lockdown skript when you do /lockdown it turns on whitelist and kicks all players that arent op and broadcasts "

    command /lockdown:
    		broadcast "&b&lDeltaSmp &r&c&lHas Gone Into Lockdown"
    		wait 2 seconds
    		execute console command "kick * &cLOCKDOWN" #Essentials
    		execute console command "kick @a &cLOCKDOWN" #Vanilla
    		execute console command "whitelist on"


    What the hell are you doing with this but ok

  2. On 6/30/2021 at 2:42 PM, The_TOT said:

    can you make me a playtime skript? would apreciate

    Hey there sorry for late response but here u go ❤️

    	prefix: &5PlaytimeSK &8&l|
    	permission: playtime.find
    	permission2: playtime.reset
    	permission3: playtime.set
    every 60 seconds in "world":
    	loop all players:
    		add 1 to {m.%uuid of loop-player%}
    command /playtime [<offline player>] [<text>]:
    		if arg 1 isn't set:
    			send "{@prefix} &e%{m.%uuid of player%}% &eMinutes"
    			if player has played before:
    				send "{@prefix} &e%{m.%uuid of arg 1%}%&e Minutes"
    command /playtimereset [<offline player>]:
    	permission: {@permission2}
    		if arg 1 is set:
    			set {m.%uuid of arg 1%} to 0
    			send "&aSuccess!"
    			send "%{@prefix}% &cPlease specify a player!"
    command /playtimeset [<offline player>] [<text>]:
    	permission: {@permission3}
    		if arg 1 is set:
    			if arg 2 is set:
    				set {m.%uuid of arg 1%} to "%arg 2%"
    				send "&aSuccess!"
    			if arg 2 is not set:
    				send "{@prefix} &cPlease specify an amount!"
    		if arg 1 is not set:
    			send "{@prefix} Please specify a player!"


  3. On 6/16/2021 at 9:20 PM, NotKaizo31 said:

    I am pretty sure EssentialsX has that built in but here is a skript for it.

    command /suicide:
    		kill player
    		send "&cYou died"


    your's wont work
    it only kills 1 player


    command /suicide:
    		loop all players:
    			kill loop-player
    			broadcast "why tf do you even want this"


  4. 9 minutes ago, MillionDollar said:

    You shouldn't use 2 of the same event, like ever. So instead of that try this.

    on death:
        if victim is a witch:
            send "&c[BOSS] Mini Daze&f: You win. This is not over though, for my last words. MINIONS! ATTACK!" to attacker
            loop 9 times:
                spawn 10 zombies at player
                set name of last spawned zombies to "Mini Daze Minion"
        if victim is a zombie:
            add 1 to {blah}
            if {blah} is 90:
                send "&a%attacker% has defeated Mini Daze!" to attacker



  5. 22 hours ago, AgentGamerPro said:

    Couple problems with this

    • It sends an alert when someone is hit 3 blocks away. This could set off the alarm so much as a player's max reach is 4 blocks.
    • The killaura check is like the autoclicker/macro check, it dosen't check if you're actually hitting an entity.
    • Everything else listed by @Chig

    • EDIT: Reach also dosent care if you're using a bow or not

    Thanks for alerting this to me! I will fix this in a update.

    And also there is no problem with the bow. people can hit from 7 or 8 blocks and still get it legit

  6. Lurking AntiCheat













    Reach fixed now bans people at 3.50 reach or above.

    Aimbot check added

    Speed still not good, but has been tested on multiple clients. This is how much time it takes to ban it on each client.


    |WURST: 0m 51s|

    |SIGMACLIENT: 10m 56s|

    |Liquidbounce: 6m 17s|

    |Impact: 1m 38s|

    |Meteor Client: 4m 32s|




    Lurking AntiCheat.sk

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