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Posts posted by WhenUInfectUNoob

  1. 11 hours ago, Checkmate128 said:

    I would agree that Minehut is p2w and may be suffering from market over saturation when it comes to servers. I created my server because I enjoy creating and programming as well as building a community. While I do intend to make money, p2w sickens me and I will be sure to avoid going down that dark path. 

    I miss the glory days of Minehut but hopefully it will return to its former glory. Ultimately, boring servers are only possible because the market of players is generally okay with playing the same game forever. 

    Same. I'm currently working on my own server because it's fun and I enjoy it. And I like to see it when people will enjoy my server. I'm planning to not even add a way to buy stuff with IRL money but probably will make it so people can buy ranks etc with in-game currency. And I don't really expect my server to get so much players that I will need a MH75 or MHUnlimited plan. 


    cat hello GIFcat hello GIF

    My ''introduction:"

    I don't exactly know if it is a real introduction since I have my forums account since 2019 and I play Minehut since like 2016 or 2017. But I'm not that well-known xD.

    I'm a 15-year-old guy (almost 16) who plays Minehut since 2016 or 2017. Sadly enough, I do not know the exact date I joined the first time on Minehut. I'm mostly using Minehut as a server host for my own server which is called IdleX. It's still in maintenance and it won't release until atleast May 2022. So don't bother yourself by joining the server since it's currently whitelisted. I'm planning to get a MH35 server plan so I can get some sort of a community hopefully after the server release. 

    And I love cats. Ok, this was kinda my introduction. Not the best, but ok. I can live with it I guess.

    My username: Iron_Kevin
    My Discord: Nice_Pro_Clicker#1111.


  3. Facts.

    Minehut is P2W af. To be honest, most people are now creating Minehut servers for the money I guess. All gen servers at the frontpage are hella P2W (top rank gets 200 gen slots, member gets 40 yes). So that doesn't really make it fun to play those servers as I'm broke. I hate P2W servers. The owners of the servers don't care about their members but they care about the money. 


  4. Selling staffranks is just the most stupid thing to do, not gonna lie. People will abuse it and harm the reputation of your server. So I would absolutely not recommend to do it. 

  5. I have a 1.16.5 server.

    command /pshop:
            open virtual inventory with size 3 named "&9&lPrestige Shop" to player
            format gui slot 10 of player with name tag named "&d&l2X perm booster" with lore "&e10 prestige coins"

    This skript isn't working. It just says Unknown Command. Reloading the skript doesn't give any errors.

    I have the following skript addons on my server:


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