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Posts posted by scarecrow

  1. I have a zip file of a world I want to upload (with all the proper files like level.dat and regions), so I looked online for help and I cant do either of the options for some reason??

     Uploading the world in World Settings doesn't work as it just uploads to 100% then just sits at that point (2 people were on the server, let it load for an hour, still nothing). I uploaded the world via file.io and it worked, but when i click on it in /worlds it says it doesn't exist, and I can't re upload it with a new name or anything. Please help!!!

  2. Neither options will work for me? Uploading the world in World Settings doesn't work as it just uploads to 100% then just sits at that point (2 people were on the server, let it load for an hour, still nothing). I uploaded the world via file.io and it worked, but when i click on it in /worlds it says it doesn't exist, and I can't reupload it with a new name or anything. Please help!!!

  3. Just now, SLG Molly said:

    Hey there!


     If you submit a support ticket, we can look into reverting your server back to before this happened! 🙂



    Oh, perfect! Sorry, I'm relatively new to the forums, where do I do that?

  4. 3 hours ago, Jackson85 said:

    I'm sorry to say it but I think you have to reset the world. I'm not positive but I believe that's the only option.

    Alright... do you know a way I could download my world without being in it?

  5. This isn't exactly a grief, but a player came on to my server and spawned a glitched book and caused everyone who tries to join to crash. Is there anyway I can fix this? I've already deleted the playerdata folder and made a new one, but no luck. Please help!!!

  6. 3 hours ago, Jackson85 said:

    I rlly don't have any suggestions other than maybe possibly repairing the files in the danger zone? I'm not positive on that though.

    Yeah I tried deleting the playerdata folder in the File Manager then creating a new one because that has worked for me before, but no luck 😕

  7. So basically I was on my server and this player tells me to read this book, but I knew it was gonna crash my game, so I didn't. But after awhile he finally made me cave and open it, which didn't crash my game, but instead read "Click this text to make it blue" or something like that. I clicked it, and crashed, of course. It was on a lectern, so I assume not in my inventory, but my game immediately crashes every time I try to join my server, while others can join and stay on. I get I'm the dumbass in this scenario, but is there any known fix for situations like this?




    The game crashed whilst rendering block entity
    Error: net.minecraft.class_2590: Error parsing: TranslatableComponent{key='translation.test.invalid', args=[], siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}}: Unsupported format: '%'


  8. Okay so, this may be completely my fault, but,

    I'm rather new to Minehut and server hosting on here, but as I built up a server I would normally go into the "World Settings" tab on the Minehut panel and click "Save World". Today, I logged on and for some reason, my world has been completely reset, still no idea why, but either way I figured I could just upload my world from the many times I saved it. But after some research, I think I missed a step with some commands or something. 

    My actual question is: where are the world files downloaded to when I click "Save World"?? Or are they even downloaded at all lmao (so I can upload the world to my server)


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