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Posts posted by Cxnnors

  1. First of all, I'd like to say welcome to the Vanquish Factions discussion board! I hope you enjoy your stay here. 🙂 

    Second of all, I would like to ask you please review the Vanquish Factions rules. You may view them below or on our Discord server.


    - Rule 1. Do not spam. This includes char spam (character spam.)
    - Rule 2. Do not be toxic / disrespect towards others regardless of the situation.

    - Rule 3. Do not use offensive / discriminatory slurs towards others.

    - Rule 4. Do not post anything related to inappropriate / NSFW content.

    - Rule 5. Do not post anything related to political content.

    - Rule 6. Do not DOX or discuss DOXING . This means exposing private info of others. For more information: https://www.kaspersky.com/resource-center/definitions/what-is-doxing

    - Rule 7. Do not post / discuss DDOS threats. This is basically an attack against your network. For more information: https://usa.kaspersky.com/resource-center/threats/ddos-attacks

    - Rule 8. Do not post malicious links. This includes IP-grabbers, token loggers, etc.

    - Rule 9. Do not advertise anything besides Vanquish Factions.

    - Rule 10. Please just use common sense. We can't put the whole dictionary in here.


    If you need assistance or have questions, do hesitate to create a topic or join our Discord server! Thanks. 🙂 


  2. Listed below will be the format you are required to follow during a Player Appeal. Failure to follow this will result in your appeal being deleted.

    Please make sure to check below whether or not you may appeal the punishment. All punishments listed below are not eligible for appeal.

    If you continue to try and appeal, and your punishment is listed below, you will be blacklisted from Vanquish Factions entirely.


    - DDOS / DDOS Threats (info: https://usa.kaspersky.com/resource-center/threats/ddos-attacks)

    - DOXING / DOXING Threats (info: https://www.kaspersky.com/resource-center/definitions/what-is-doxing)

    - Posting Malicious Content/Links (posting IP-grabbers, token loggers, etc.)

    - Buycraft Chargeback w/ Malicious Intent (intentionally charging back to get our Buycraft shutdown, etc.)

    - Severe Staff Abuse (banning players for no reason, etc.)


    Please use the format below during your Player Appeal or your appeal will likely be deleted by Vanquish Factions Appeals Team.


    - What is your Minecraft IGN / Discord Username?

    - Why were you punished?

    - What type of punishment was this?

    - When did you receive this punishment?

    - Which staff member punished you?

    - Please provide proof of the incident, if you have any proof.

    - Why should we shorten/remove your punishment, if eligible?


    Once you submit your Player Appeal, it might take the Appeals Team at least 3 days to review and finally decide what's right.


    If you do not receive a response within this 3 day period, please contact a member of our Appeals Team on our Discord server.

    If you cannot join our Discord server, please contact them through Minehut Forums messages or even, myself, Cxnnors.

    Our current Appeals Team consists of: 


    - Cxnnors (Owner / Head of Appeals Team)



    A staff member will respond with "Appeal Accepted." If not, "Appeal Denied." and will lock the topic. 

    They will also mention if your punishment has been reduced by a certain amount or completely removed.



  3. Listed below will be the format you are required to follow during a Player Report. Failure to follow this will result in your report being deleted.


    - What is the Player's Minecraft IGN?

    - What did the Player do to break the Vanquish Factions rules?

    - When did this event consisting of rule-breaking occur? 

    - Please provide proof of the incident below.


    Once you submit your Player Report, it might take staff at least 3 days to review and finally decide on the punishment.

    If you do not receive a response within this 3 day period, please contact a staff member on our Discord server.

    A staff member will respond with "Report Accepted." If not, "Report Denied." and will lock the topic.

    It all depends on the evidence and whether or not the Player was actually breaking the Vanquish Factions rules.





    Hello everyone! First off, I'd like to thank you for being apart of Vanquish Factions. We appreciate your support!

    Within this discussions page, you may take your opportunity to apply for staff and become a dedicated Vanquish Factions staff member.

    Like all servers, we have staff application requirements that you must meet before taking your chance to apply for staff. View below!


    - You must be over the age of 15. Lying about your age will result in a automatic deny and, possibly, further punishment.

    - You must be a user of our Discord server and having a working microphone that you can communicate with.

    - You must know how the server works and have a playtime of 3+ hours in total. 

    - You must not have a large punishment history on either the Minecraft server or Discord server.

    - You must have somewhat prior experience in staffing or moderation. 

    - You must dedicate at least 1 hour per day to Vanquish Factions. If you have a current staffing position, you will likely be denied.

    - Asking staff about the status of your application will result in an automatic deny. 

    - You must wait a full-week before attempting to re-apply again after being denied. 


    Before I provide you the format, I would like to let you know that more experience usually outweighs people with less experience.

    I recommend providing all your experience and highlighting 1 (or more) large staff experiences that improved your staffing.

    We do not discriminate with age. This is simply because we would like a professional staff team who knows what they're doing.


    - What is your Minecraft IGN and Discord Username? (ex: Cxnnors, ☢ ₵Ӿ₦₦ØⱤ 🗡#1974)

    - How old are you currently?

    - What is your playtime on our Minecraft server? (check playtime by using /playtime)

    - How many hours a day could you dedicate to staffing?

    - Why are you applying for staff on Vanquish Factions?

    - What will you contribute to the staff team and community?

    - How are you a better applicant than the rest?

    - Please list some of your staffing / moderating experiences. (you may provide a link to your experiences, if you'd like)

    - What is the role of a staff member, in your own eyes?

    - Do you have a working microphone that you can communicate with?

    - Do you have a recording software that you could use to record cheaters? (if not, I recommend installing one)


    Once you submit your application, it might take senior staff at least 3 days to accept/deny your application. 

    If you do not receive a response within this 3 day period, please contact a senior staff member on our Discord server.

    If you've been accepted, senior staff will respond with "Application Accepted." If not, "Application Denied." 

    Once you receive the "Application Accepted" response, you will be given the Helper role in our Minecraft and Discord server.



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