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Posts posted by Vadeblade

  1. Personal Questions -
     • Minecraft Username: Vadeblade
     • Are you multilingual? Yes just a bit of spanish
     • Discord Username: Vadeblade#3104
     • Age: 19
     • Timezone: EST

    Application Questions -
     • Why do you want to apply for a staff on Lift?
    I want to be a part of my favorite Minehut server and collaborate to continue the server for a better future.
     • How much time can you contribute to being a staff member on Lift?

    All of it. I don't have a set schedule. I can be on whenever and for hours on end.
     • Have you been staff on any servers?
    Yes quite a few. I also have quite alot of experience with skript and coding in general.
     • How much experience do you have as a staff member?
    Alot, I've helped server regain stuff after massive griefs and bot attacks.
     • Are you currently staff on any other servers?
    Yes, Developer on Acidmines
     • Have you broken any rules on the Lift Discord or Minecaft server?

    No, I've followed all the rules and have never broken a rule

    Situation Questions -
     • You banned someone for hacking, the community is outraged. How would you deal with the outrage?
    Explain why there was a ban with absolute proof and reassure them that our actions were for the good of the server
     • Explain a situation where you might have to act mature and professional while being staff on Lift.

    A Person might start calling staff names or start threatening and ill have to act in my powers of position and message higher staff or act then if needed.

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