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Posts posted by WesGamer

  1. I dont fully understand your question but this command will give you a stick and a right click event with stick will activate stuff

    command /stick:
        give stick to the player
    on right click:
      player is holding a stick:
        send "You clicked with a stick!"
        make player execute command "a command here"

    change the 'a command here' to the command and you can remove the send to not send a message

    • Like 1
  2. I made this it is a part of it

    #This if for making a report
    command /report <text>:
        add 1 to {totalids}
        set {id::%{totalids}%} to arg-1
        send "&cThe report has been send to all online staff! Id of report %{totalids}%&c maybe remember it." to player
        loop all players:
          loop-player has permission "report.get"
          send "&c&l Report &7&l> &c%player%&c reported %arg-1%&c. Id of report %{totalids}%" to loop-player
    #This is to get a report by ticket id
    command /ticket <number>:
        send "%{id::%arg-1%}%"
    #This is to clear ALL reports ever send in
    command /clearreports:
        delete {id::*}
        set {totalids} to 0

    This is not the full skript but if you need more help with the closing part i can help!

    And how will you remember the ticket ids of reports to close or read them?

    • Like 1
  3. Yes i think this would work

    on inventory click:
      if clicked-item is dirt named "Dirt":
        if cursor-slot is stone named "Stone":
          remove dirt named "Dirt" from player
          remove stone named "Stone" from player
          give cobblestone named "Dirt Stone" to the player

    I dont know if this requires addons and if it gives a error at line 2 or 3 try to remove the - 

    and if there are any other errors tell me in this topic ☺

  4. If you want to only allow the player to see the message not the other players in the server

    if you use broadcast it sends the message to all players not the only one and you could do this if %player% isnt the name of the reciever:

    on chat:
      set {_p} to player
      set {message} to message # or "%message%" but i think the first option
      broadcast "%{_p}% said %message%"


  5. Yes this is possible it could look like this (i think its possible)

    on chat:
      cancel event
      set {variable} to message
      broadcast "%player% said %message%"

    tell me if it works or not

  6. Im no skript god but i might be able to help if you want it to be a chance you could do

    every 5 seconds:
      if chance of 10%:
        give ... to player
      else if chance of 20%:
        give ... to player
      else if chance of 50%:
        give ... to player

    the else if's stop it from giving multiple items you can remove the else's from the else if's if you want a chance to give multiple items. if you need more help with it you can ask more about it here in the topic chat ill be happy to help quarantine is boring but necessary

  7. I found the example but now i have a problem with the code

    command /baltop:
        set {dupebal::*} to {bal::*}
        loop 3 times:
          loop {dupebal::*}:
            if {highest} is not set:
              set {highest} to loop-value-2
              set {hname} to loop-index
            if {highest} is set:
              if loop-value-2 > {highest} :
                set {highest} to loop-value-2
                set {hname} to loop-index
            remove ... from {dupebal::*}
          set {high.name} to offline player from "%{hname}%"
          send "&b%loop-number%&7. %{high.name}% %{highest}%" 

    how do i remove the highest outcome of the dupebal loop from the {dupebal::*} list so i dont get duplicates

  8. Hello, my goal with this is to create a leaderboard. i know there is a leaderboard skript but that is too complicated and long. I want to know how (if possible) to retrieve the username of a owner.

    for example i have the variable {bal::%uuid of player%} it is an balance of a player. so its a number. how do i get the username of the owner of the balance? Thank you! for helping

    I do not have any code so far

    I'm not allowed to have discord cause of my parents so i can not get contact in discord it would be nice if it was just in this forum topic chat.

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