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Posts posted by BirdOftheBlack

  1. every 15 minutes:
       set {chatgame} to true
       50% chance:
       broadcast "&e&lCHATGAME &8&l| &7&lWho is the founder of minecraft?"
    on chat:
      if {chatgame} is true
      message contains "notch"
      set {chatgame} to false
      give player 3 diamonds
      broadcast "&e&lCHATGAME &8&l| &7&l%player% Won! the chatgame is now over, next one is in: 15 minutes!"



  2. options:
       prefix: &4&lHeartlles

    on region enter:
      if {koth} is true
      loop all players
      if "%region at loop-player%" contains "koth":
      make console execute command "/coins give %player% 1000"
      broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l| &c&l%player% IS KING OF THE HILL!"
      set {koth} to false
      broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l| &c&lthe koth has now ended, next one will take place in 3 hours!"

    every 2 hours:
      wait 30 minutes
      broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l| &c&lKoth will start in 30 minutes! Get ready!"
      broadcast "&7&lQuck tip: the first to enter the koth will win!"
      wait 15 minutes
      broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l| &c&lKoth will start in 15 minutes! Get ready!"
      wait 10 minutes
      broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l| &c&lKoth Starting in 5 minutes Be ready!"
      wait 5 minutes
      play sound "minecraft:entity.ender_dragon.ambient" at volume 10 at pitch 2 to all players
      broadcast "{@prefix} &8&l &c&lKOTH HAS NOW STARTED! FIRST TO ENTER KOTH WILL WIN!"
      set {koth} to true

    on region enter:
      if {koth} is false:
      push player back at speed 10
      send "{@prefix} &8&l| &c&lKoth is not started yet! No cheating!" to player


  3. I go into my server click on file manager and click on plugins and click on "upload file" i upload the file it says it was uploaded fine but it doesn't add the plugin? nore the file i tryed reseting the server I tryed on my 62 diff servers and on diff versions of the server it still does  not work someone help.

    Is this just a minehut error thats why minehut was closed all day?

  4. Its basically really simple:

    every 10 minutes:

    #you can edit this to be 20 minutes or even 100!

    loop all players:

    if "%region at loop-player%" contains "afk":

    #you can edit the region to be like "box":  or whatever your afk region is named

    give air named "Name it smth" to loop-player

    #replace air with the block you want the player to get and "Name it Smth" to the name of the item

     send "&6&lYou got a  reward for being afk!"

    # edit the message to what you want


    # again you can edit all the messages here


    # it might  give erros saying you need 4 spaces not 2 or smth thats a easy fix!



  5. On 3/18/2021 at 10:20 PM, iiFlameYT said:
    ery 1 second:
        loop all players:
            set loop-player's tablist header to "SERVERNAME%nl%"
            set loop-player's tablist footer to  "%nl%&6Online:&r %number of all the players%&7/&r%max players%%nl%%nl%SERVERNAME.minehut.gg"
            if {afk::%loop-player's uuid%} is true:
                set loop-player's tablist name to "%colored loop-player's name% &4&lAFK"

    How do i copy it?

  6. On 7/19/2022 at 12:14 PM, skAyo said:

    You could try something like this:

    every 15 minutes:
        loop all players:
            if "%region at loop-player%" contains "afk":
                broadcast "&7All the players in the AFK area have got a reward!"
                play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 3 to all players
                give white dye named "&5EPIC Crate voucher" to loop-player


  7. i can't add itemedit cas its says unknown error when i try and add it i have done it on lots of diff server but it will not work for me but when i join a diff server this have no prob adding itemedit idk why it will not work for me can anyone help?

  8. i was playing on a server that u was staff on but i  got deoped for 3 day  but in that time a player with the gamertag luqoid i think is hacking they have followed me to 4 diff minehut servers like how?! i joined one they joined i joined  another they joined too so this is something mienhut need to do can you ban luqoid pls they are ip hacking following me to servers i join idk how and they have hacks i saw them useing them

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