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Posts posted by Toch

  1. So minehut has forge support and this might change minehut forever since I remember a minehut staff member saying that they will not have forge support because it isn’t safe but now they do and this can add a lot of things like.

    Modded survival servers

    Ram not being kinda useless

    Mabey correct me if I am wrong but server might be a bit different.

    Ect and I just can’t wait to see this on minehut servers.

  2. Now on your minehut appearance your able to send a console command but the problem is. Is that it is very old and unhelpful. Like seriously ask anyone why they use the minecraft console they say just to add op and that's there only response. What minehut should do is make a proper console if not make a page for it. because it is outdated and was only made just to make yourself op if a better console was added with information about your server and other issues not just it would be convenient for the player. It would be convenient for the support since the console says everything about the game and how it is running so having a console would be really beneficial if it doesn't get added then the minehut support are kind of digging themselves in a hole.

  3. I bet minehut did this because 1. Too many people were asking for minehut to update to 1.17 2. People have wanted to change there server version for so long without using via version plugin and 3. spigot just updated to 1.17 and paper hasn't and minehut could not wait any more longer. Other than that it is a really good update.

  4. Minehut are right now in a sticky situation with there server as right now as minehut are waiting for either spigot or paper to update to 1.16 so the servers can update to 1.17 but rn they minehut servers (not the lobby) are on 1.16 making quite a lot of players mad and confused why the server haven't updated to 1.17 and who knows when either of the bulkkit or whatever it's called plugin minecraft programs will update to 1.17 and until then we will just have to wait but it pressures minehut though if they should allow vanilla minecraft being an option for servers witch I think they should tbh, since not everyone wants to play with plugins.

    Btw sorry for the bad eng my mistake.

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  5. You are probably looking at the title saying bruh doesn't Minehut say meet friends at the Minehut forums well yes it does say that but the Minehut forums isn't really a place to make friends for example if I made a forums post saying PLS CAN I HAVE FRIENDS People would go like bruh and you might think I am to shy to say that well I don't want to make a fool of myself ok? Anyways I want a Minehut server where you can chat and make friends because if you heard of my last forums post I said that isn't that much variety on Minehut which means all the prison servers and farming server are just the equivalate to simulators and tycoons so obviously players are barely going to make any friends on Minehut bye saying hello and that is all I wanted to say I just wish some kind of Minehut player would make a hangout game where you can chat and make friends also if there are any of those server around pls tell me I really need to know I am lonely. 🙁

  6. On 5/26/2020 at 8:03 PM, KJPAKA said:

    @Tochidima, Honestly i do agree with this. Minehut does run out of ideas and whenever someone comes up with a unique one everyone will overuse it. Thats just how Minehuts been, however many player servers are still very enjoyable to spend your time on. You just need to find the one that you like.

    Finally somebody understands my pain.

  7. You go on Minehut and you see some Minehut servers that you can play and you join a game and you go like. Crap this again all I want is a Minehut server which isn't you farming or a factions server. Well you might think why don't you play 10 the game where you get a block every 10 seconds but you are like yer might be addicting but still it will make you rage after playing it for 3 hours. Well what about warzone. Well that game barely has any players. They what about hard corse and other parkour Minehut servers well they are fun until you get to a very hard level that is almost impossible to beat so you rage quite.  The worst part is is that all the interesting servers don't have any players so you can't play them. Anyways this is only my opinion on Minehut server pls don't hate it it is only my opinion and tell me if there are any games that are fun I need to find a good Minehut server that is interesting. 

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